Silk worm rearing and breeding guide


Avid Member

I finally got around to completing the silk worm rearing and breeding blog. I hope you find this helpful. I would also like to say thank you to sandrachameleon for her insight on feeding and for allowing use of one of her photos.

Silk worm rearing and breeding
thanks for this breeding guide! i now feel like breeding them. how many species of insects do you breed?
Thank you! One of my students has the job of taking care of our silkies (My chameleon lives part-time in my classroom and my students have been responsible for researching the different jobs needed and doing them daily). I just got silkworm eggs and I am going to have my student use your guide to help raise them. Thank you! I'm sure she will find this very useful. :)
Thank you! One of my students has the job of taking care of our silkies (My chameleon lives part-time in my classroom and my students have been responsible for researching the different jobs needed and doing them daily). I just got silkworm eggs and I am going to have my student use your guide to help raise them. Thank you! I'm sure she will find this very useful. :)

That's great! I hope this helps.
Might as well ask it here. I have 8-9 cocoons. 2 hatched 24 hours apart, both male. its not been another 24 hours and no females yet. Should i put the 2 over achieving males in a 68 degree room till the females start coming out, or keep them in the 78 degree room with the rest of the unhatched bunch?
Might as well ask it here. I have 8-9 cocoons. 2 hatched 24 hours apart, both male. its not been another 24 hours and no females yet. Should i put the 2 over achieving males in a 68 degree room till the females start coming out, or keep them in the 78 degree room with the rest of the unhatched bunch?

I have 3 males right now! Ha. I usually just leave them alone. They will live for about a week. I try to get a whole bunch to cocoon at the same times, but unfortunately they tend to go a day apart.

Thank you! I've been waiting for this!! :)

You are welcome. Took me a while to get around to it, but I figured I better get it done before school starts next week. I will be way to busy w working and going to class 3 nights a week.
Thank you for the blog pigglett. Silkies are probably my favorite feeder for chams they are pretty amazing :D
Thank you for the blog pigglett. Silkies are probably my favorite feeder for chams they are pretty amazing :D

Thank you, yeah they are my favorite also. And as a bonus my boys absolutely love them. It motivates me to try to become a better silkie breeder for them. ;)
This is an awesome blog entry and very well done. Great guide, very helpful!

I breed silk worms, horn worms and dubia roaches. I am still thinking about breeding more.

When I first started with chameleons one of the things I never would have guessed I would enjoy so much was the breeding of insects. It is actually quite rewarding and very fun!
This is an awesome blog entry and very well done. Great guide, very helpful!

When I first started with chameleons one of the things I never would have guessed I would enjoy so much was the breeding of insects. It is actually quite rewarding and very fun!

I agree, I find myself as interested in the feeders as I am he chameleons! haha. Out of all the areas of chameleon keeping, I am most interested in feeders and nutrition. I try to read and learn as much as possible. I tend to spend a great deal of time researching insects, gut loading and supplementation.
Ive been having rotten luck with keeping my silkies alive!!
I bought some powder mix stuff, follow the directions, but it comes out too
wet and it molds overnight, which kills the smaller silkies!!

I am trying to make it more firm and dry, but not having much luck!!

Do I need to boil it longer to help evaporate some of the water?
Ive been having rotten luck with keeping my silkies alive!!
I bought some powder mix stuff, follow the directions, but it comes out too
wet and it molds overnight, which kills the smaller silkies!!

I am trying to make it more firm and dry, but not having much luck!!

Do I need to boil it longer to help evaporate some of the water?

I always use the microwave cooking method. It seems to come out better and I just cook it for a minute or two longer to ensure it isn't too wet.
Thank you for this guide Pigglet.

I seem to run into an issue with the hatched worms about day 5. I can get them to hatch fine, and they eat the chow well, but something goes awry. I am pretty good about washing hands and utensils, so I coupe of thoughts.

1. Temperature fluctuation. Up to 88 degrees. maybe to hot for them.
2. to MUCH food. I grated a small amount of food in the dish they were in, spread out. I think I will try your method of placing a small piece in one spot. Easier to clean up.

Your thoughts on either of these possible causes?


Thank you for this guide Pigglet.

I seem to run into an issue with the hatched worms about day 5. I can get them to hatch fine, and they eat the chow well, but something goes awry. I am pretty good about washing hands and utensils, so I coupe of thoughts.

1. Temperature fluctuation. Up to 88 degrees. maybe to hot for them.
2. to MUCH food. I grated a small amount of food in the dish they were in, spread out. I think I will try your method of placing a small piece in one spot. Easier to clean up.

Your thoughts on either of these possible causes?




I don't think a temp. Of 88 would cause much of an issue, while it is higher than I tend to keep them, it shouldn't be enough to kill them. It is likely more due to either moisture or cleanliness. If there is food all over then you might have too much moisture which can cause issues. Also not keeping the area clean could result in bacteria or mold.
Wooo i got 2 females, and the males are doing their jobs...

As for food problems, i do the nuke method, and then put in a cool whip container with a layer of plastic wrap over top of the food so the air doesnt get to it. Stayed good over a month in the fridge, and im horrible with cleaning.

PS seems the other worms eat the cocoons if given the chance...
Thank you for the lovely blog entries! Very detailed, easy to understand, and well organized.

I ordered 100 silkies a couple weeks ago, and thought I followed the instructions well, but after a week or so they all died (however many we didn't feed off). I think the next time around, with this information for us to reference, we'll do a lot better.
Thank you for the lovely blog entries! Very detailed, easy to understand, and well organized.

I ordered 100 silkies a couple weeks ago, and thought I followed the instructions well, but after a week or so they all died (however many we didn't feed off). I think the next time around, with this information for us to reference, we'll do a lot better.

I hope it helps. Keeping them in the containers the way I described seems to work well. I do not have an issue with die offs......even after my boyfriend handles them with dirty hands. Haha
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