silks - NOT the right size - no food - now what

little leaf

Avid Member
hmmm.... I just got my order of silk worms from "someplace"... I even called and special orderd TINY - the person on the phone was great, he said they were not newborn, but would still be tiny ( 1/4")- it seems the packing dept/ can not read ? they are from 1/2 inch up to full size - do I call? or just feed them off to everyone else? I really needed these- but nothing can be done until Monday anyway- as far as shipping out new ones - and I did not order food because I was going to feed them off right away- I have m berry trees, but the leaves are only just budding - can they eat the buds? this is the first time I have ordered these - maybe I should have gotten eggs :p there is a bunch of green stuff they are in - is that food ? maybe the full size ones are free snacks for the bigger ones ? lol how good are co's at staying w/ the size you order - or is this the common way to get them - all sizes in one order ?
If you do get eggs, it could take a while for them to hatch and then take a couple more weeks to get to a feedable size (even for small chams). The green stuff is the food and should be enough to grow them up.
I'd call and complain. And do quite frequently with our whole seller lol. From wrong rodent sizes to wrong cricket sizes.

It shouldn't be hard to pack and ship the right thing to the right customer.

Just my option tho.
yeah, the more I tihnk about it, the more it bugs me ( lol ) I think I can feed MAYBE 10 of them - they rest are just to big for 3 week old jacksons :( they will choke I am sure ( I love the babies , but there is NO WAY I am pre chewing these up for them - :p :p )
Lmfao. I never thought about pre chewing the food for them... As much as I love our babies I'm not sure I could do that either hahaha!
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