Silkworm bacteria question


New Member
I was wondering, how do you know if your silkworms are infected? I hear they are prone to disease.
they stop eating and ooze milky liquid trails.
Their segments looked abnormal and almost like a bamboo.
They turn black and may burst with a slight touch.

They got sick from mold, dirty environment, contaminated chow, too warm or too cold, or some silkworms might already have the disease and start infecting the whole colony.
Usually when one is infected, there is a huge probability that the whole batch will be infected.
Thanks so much!

I was looking on your blog for the answer just a second ago.

I have about 50 in the container now, so I'm assuming any white ooze will be very visible?

BTW, your blog is amazing.
i go by his blog, but i put screen above the bottom, so the poo falls to the bottom, and then filters into a separate area where the silkies cant go, and i disinfect whenever i have no more silkies which is about once a month.
i go by his blog, but i put screen above the bottom, so the poo falls to the bottom, and then filters into a separate area where the silkies cant go, and i disinfect whenever i have no more silkies which is about once a month.

Got any pictures of your bin?
from what i do know, your supposed to wear gloves if handling them. they pick up bacteria from tactile contact. but id imagine other ways are possible.
ive only got one, which i removed the the separation, but that is basically it.

here u go. the saparation, separates the poo from the worms, and i shake the screen to get any of the poo that couldnt fall on its own, and then shake that past the separation.

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