Silkworm ball


Avid Member
I ordered 500 eggs from Mulberry about 2 weeks ago and they are growing fast! Here are 30 little guys dusted and ready to feed my baby Chams. They love them and its fun to watch the fedding frenzy :)
For anyone thinking of growing silks from eggs I have found it very easy and inexpensive.


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From newly hatched eggs to cocoon 4-5 weeks depending on how often you feed the big ones. You can slow down their growth when big by feeding every 2nd day.:)
How long does it take them to get to that size from eggs?

They are Tiny when they are born! This is a close up pic and they are about 1/2" long. They literally explode over night now. Ive Chams of all sizes so its been great. Ive read that they will reach full size in about a month.
wow that's fast on their growth, will they cacoon & lay eggs on chow food or do they have to be eating mullberry leaves in order to breed?
wow that's fast on their growth, will they cacoon & lay eggs on chow food or do they have to be eating mullberry leaves in order to breed?

I have not gone through the entire life cycle yet. There are a few threads on here that detail the process. Ill take some pics of how I'm going to do it. I do plan on trying to have a few cocoon, moth and lay eggs. I just might get lucky :D
Check out pigglette79 blogs. I can't get mulberry leaves in Scotland. I use the chow. Once they cocoon a flightless moth will emerge. They don't eat or drink as moths. All they want to do is mate. After mating the female lays the eggs. They then flutter about for 7-10 days and die. Sad.:( The worms grow really fast but most of the work is when they are tiny. You can't touch them as they have no immune system so you have to move them daily to a sterile box with a paint brush or cocktail stick. They need feeding 3-4 times a day when tiny as the food dries out quickly. Good luck.:)
I just started hatching silkworm eggs. I have 6 or so that are about a week old, and more started hatching yesterday. They definitely do not compete with hornworms in growth rate, but I've found they are just as easy to care for (and the chow doesn't smell as bad).
I have 7 hornworms in cocoons now, should be a couple of more weeks until they emerge!!
I have 100's now that i have had the batch i put in the fridge back in November from my first gen. You can get some good sized worms in 2 weeks with unlimited food. Lucky for me i have like a 20ft mulberry tree in my work parking lot :)
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