Silkworm help needed!!


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I ordered a pod of medium silkworms... they arrived today as giant behemoth worms... I’m leaving tomorrow for a trip... can anyone tell me how I can set up the giants to pupate??? I really don’t want to waste my money... so I’ll take moths if I can. Thank you!

Also, is this something worth contacting the company for a replacement of a smaller size?
Make sure they have plenty of fresh chow and put them in a shoe box type bin. They eat a lot before getting ready to cocoon and then right before spinning will expel their stomach contents. You can put some TP or paper towels tubes, cut into about 2-3” long for them to cocoon in. Hopefully when you return, you’ll have cocoons.
You could at least contact the company you got them from and let them know.
Amazing, thank you so much!!! I really really hope I return to cocoons. I had no clue the worms could get this big!

Can I ask, how do you make your chow? I do two parts water, 1 part powder... and it doesn’t stick to screen as great as the chow that comes in silkworm pods.
Hey folks, my silkworms have all cocooned and have been in their cocoons for about 3 weeks, respectively. Do they need any extra care - artificial light, heat, humidity, or anything else in order to hatch out successfully?
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