Well!!! The community here are the true silkworm gurus. I still remember comments like, it's to dirty, your food looks old, too much poop etc..... Oh yeah--- most important... You need to put them in the refrigerator (eggs). Note: had no clue what diapause was.. My journey is still in progress with : will the eggs not put in the refrigerator ever hatch- to date they have not but still look okay. Time will tell or they will eventually dry up. WE WILL SEE.
Purpose for the journey (as stated or thought before) ANYONE could do it..
Thanks to all here.
I did see a comment about this being an OLD THREAD--- 1 cycle isn't old. ha ha ha ! I think all threads can be used in someway.
The foods I would use would be the mulberry mix (watered occasionally for moisture) and if I wanted to add more foods the carrots (everything else might bring in bacteria-including the carrots). IMHO those were the foods that minimized mold and the silkworms ate both with minimum issues (all eaten and new food added-- no left overs to rot or mold).
Thanks again for all the help!!!!!!
Purpose for the journey (as stated or thought before) ANYONE could do it..
I did see a comment about this being an OLD THREAD--- 1 cycle isn't old. ha ha ha ! I think all threads can be used in someway.
The foods I would use would be the mulberry mix (watered occasionally for moisture) and if I wanted to add more foods the carrots (everything else might bring in bacteria-including the carrots). IMHO those were the foods that minimized mold and the silkworms ate both with minimum issues (all eaten and new food added-- no left overs to rot or mold).
Thanks again for all the help!!!!!!