Silkworm journey

Well, it was just a goofy experiment and they were not used as feeders. My hissers were pets (even though we are in a thread about feeders).;) (y) Klyde O'Scope--- If I find the powers I will send them to ya. They are used in the Hindu Holi festivals..
Life isn't always practical. I am still baffled over having a dry mix that can be heated and used as food.

I just hope the long term (short for them) a cocoon is produced. I am looking forward to unspinning it. ha ha

Glow in the dark Silkworms---- WOW! sign me up for a few dozen... It is done to African clawed frogs, axolotls, danio fish and so many more...
Found this pic after thinking about it.. DARN already done


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Well, it was just a goofy experiment and they were not used as feeders.
I figured.

Klyde O'Scope--- If I find the powers I will send them to ya.
That's OK. I already have too much stuff, and am in the process of purging as much as I can.

I just hope the long term (short for them) a cocoon is produced. I am looking forward to unspinning it. ha ha
I saw that at a "Fiber-Fest"—a whole pavilion on silk production, processing, spinning & weaving.
Not my bag. Missus got some alpaca socks she loves; I got a happy Missus. :)
Well, the experiment is coming to an end with the babies. I took pictures 2 nights ago and the zucchini mix went bad. Lucky there were no babies near by so immediately moved them.
Then last night with mulberry chow mix and mix with carrots it seemed to be fine until I took the last photo, which clearly shows mold too. The babies will get some fresh mix today until they get a little older, and try the veggies not cooked. :)

NOTE::::: Start them on Mulberry mix or fresh leaves---JMHO... For me it was cool trying and hoping something could be changed.
DARN! :) (y)

I will continue updates every 3 days since they are starting to grow fast unless other would like the daily shots for records.. I will be taking pictures either way...

I just know we are all busy, and when I get that Chameleon Forums "Flag (Alerts)" notice I am "ON IT". ha ha ha

Enjoy and keep them photos coming.


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So- after all the mold (still never actually pulled any dead out (but I am sure there were some). These little critters are very cute (even thought they are a food items) as they have been growing. I actually think baby roaches emerging from parent or eggs are cute too but after that "its all about the food".

I have not seen anymore head capsules for over a week (I would have to go back in the thread to see when), but know they continue to grow.

Have a good day!


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all of mine died for no reason, i always clean their container fed them often so idk why the died
Every day I got at least one fatality, that could be one of all sizes. Also can’t figure what causes the sudden death.

It’s absolutely true that they’re just for eating! At the moment the majority is at least 2 - 2.5“ and it‘s hard to keep up with fresh food 😲
Firewallx talked about the disease "Flacherie (literally: "flaccidness") is a disease of silkworms, caused by silkworms eating infected or contaminated mulberry leaves." taken off the internet.

With this journey the majority of the deaths were still in the eggs since I did not spread them out.. I have seen only 1 or 2 in the close-up pics look dead but never found them. Now I have to go look..
I will post pic tomorrow. :D (y)
Firewallx talked about the disease "Flacherie (literally: "flaccidness") is a disease of silkworms, caused by silkworms eating infected or contaminated mulberry leaves." taken off the internet.

With this journey the majority of the deaths were still in the eggs since I did not spread them out.. I have seen only 1 or 2 in the close-up pics look dead but never found them. Now I have to go look..
I will post pic tomorrow. :D (y)
This is the first time that I’ve had any luck hatching bought eggs. Most hatched, some looked like they broke their the egg but never made it out and some seemed to get stuck to the glue used to secure the eggs to the dish and they died. Where I had them initially is very dry, so I moved them to the room I have my chameleons which is a little more humid and I placed a small piece of moist sphagnum moss in their dish. Not sure if that’s what made the difference from previous attempts. I have noticed in the past that the more you fuss with them, especially the babies, the more they die. Once they all swarmed the food pieces in their hatching dish, I moved them on the food piece to a slightly larger container. Their next container will be a plastic shoe tote with screened top, as you can see how I have some adults. When it’s time to move them, I’ll be just moving them on the small mesh to avoid needing to mess with them too much.
Nice work MissSkittles---- Hearing some of the "not making it stories" I am always thinking I will look and see the worst case, but when I see the plum worms in the morning, I feel -- Made it another day!... Honestly is seems some members are gifted at raising things and others try (like me). ha ha Every step is important and sharing successes along with failures is what makes things interesting. There is so much knowledge here and really appreciate those that have learned before, and let me make mistakes with the foods. :cool: (y)

By the way--- I saw for the first time a Swallowtail butterfly like Willy yesterday. I will have to check dates on pictures (hoping a whole year has not passed by). Nope, Sept. 26 thru Nov 2 Shared these pic in a different post..

I'm a visual and hands on learner (the reason I have to do, and not just read and do), so need pics to share my thoughts.

Enjoy the day alllllllllllllll


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Wow, that seems like a lot of larvae! :eek: Aren't a lot (most?) of them going to cocoon before you can feed them to your chams? Even if you're planning on raising them further, it seems like you'll have a lot of moths... or is that part of the plan? :unsure:
I haven’t counted, but most of the 500 eggs hatched. Yes, a large number will be cocooning and living out their natural lives and replenishing my egg supply. If I were ever to keep bugs as a ‘pets’, it would be silkworms. I just love the little guys. 😊
Nice work MissSkittles---- Hearing some of the "not making it stories" I am always thinking I will look and see the worst case, but when I see the plum worms in the morning, I feel -- Made it another day!... Honestly is seems some members are gifted at raising things and others try (like me). ha ha Every step is important and sharing successes along with failures is what makes things interesting. There is so much knowledge here and really appreciate those that have learned before, and let me make mistakes with the foods. :cool: (y)

By the way--- I saw for the first time a Swallowtail butterfly like Willy yesterday. I will have to check dates on pictures (hoping a whole year has not passed by). Nope, Sept. 26 thru Nov 2 Shared these pic in a different post..

I'm a visual and hands on learner (the reason I have to do, and not just read and do), so need pics to share my thoughts.

Enjoy the day alllllllllllllll
It’s a learning process with silkies. Last year I had amazing results with hatching eggs and raising them. A couple of times something went wrong and many died before they could cocoon. Then I couldn’t get any of my eggs to hatch and discovered my fridge got too cold and killed all of my egg supply. So I’m working on rebuilding my egg supply (got a special little fridge now) and will try again this year. Fingers crossed!
I love them, too! They are CUTE especially when bobbing their little heads. But I have a Japanese friend who loves the cats but is TERRIFIED of the moths-she asked me to please not even send her a picture of one. It comes from seeing Mothra vs. Godzilla as a kid LOL.
Note: Soon get eggs from MissSkittles.. Second note: Get more moths to keep cats off patio..(y)
True- I was watching Godzilla and Mutos this A.M.-- but remember Godzilla vs Mothera.. (for those that don't know...
1. Mothra
2. Larva almost silkie
3. Mutos


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Actually in the middle of Kong Skull Island... He just ate some tentacles.

Am I allowed all these pictures in the forum? just making sure.


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