Chameleon Enthusiast
So I ordered a larger batch than normal of live silkworms because I needed to replenish my egg stock. However I kept them like I usually kept them. I kept 200 zebra silkworms in a shoebox sized Rubbermaid storage container, with good ventilation, daily cleanings, and daily feedings. However I have noticed a larger number of deaths, and stranger growing issues with this batch. I have a feeling it's because I kept too many in a confined space. I should either have immediately placed them in my upgraded bin, or portioned them out. I lost about half my colony of worms not to feedings, but slowly through out their growing periods. Also I have a lot of stragglers as far as correct growth. In other words I have learned from this. In my opinion, two hundred worms need a much larger amount of space than one hundred. I always upgrade my remaining worms once they get near cocooning age. But I fear I should have started out this way.