Silkworms in the U.K


New Member
Hey guys,
i want dave to try some silkys as i have heard they are arguably the best feeder for chams. i cannot find anywhere that sells them so i have asked my local to source them and butterworms. if they cannot source them i will see if they can breed/them

A: does anyone know of a u.k source?
B: if not would there be a market for the shop to sell them to to justify breeding etc. i don't think they would do them just for dave :(
try ebay with the seller silkies4u i got 100 smalls from him and they are good he also does othe sizes and silkworm food:D
Cheers Brad, all i could find from him was micro silks and chow, or eggs i bought 100 micro silks and 100g of chow for £13.98 all in (pretty pricey).
these will be to small for Dave at the moment i think (see pics) he's about 9 months old now what size should they be for him?


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Hi mate nice looking male there,

I have been after these for ages im in uk too,

But can not find anywhere that does them, have you bought them small ones?

Has he any more? cheers
yeah the only ones he has at the moment are "micro" so i am going to grow them and look into breeding them etc he had another 10 lots of 100 availible and seems to have lots of eggs and chow etc, i want to get dave on these asap as they are suposed to be the best feeders for them :)

Cheers, Dave is a moody son of a b*tch lol only occasionally hand feeds the odd wax worm but most of the time i open up his penthouse and he goes to the back and sits there :( one day he might come great me but i wont hold my breath lol he hates being sprayed so i spray everywhere else occasionally he will face the bottle and open his mouth but to be honest i think thats more aggression than thirst, i wonder if i bred him once he would losen up a bit lol
Hey mate lol my young male is very moody too, he just runs and hides when i open his door,

I have found the seller thanks, do they take long to grow to big ones, i may order a big batch and see how i get on with these :)
im not too sure what size "micro" is but im allowing a month for them to grow around 2" i may be wrong though i have read 1-1 1/2 weeks from hatchling to an inch and the same again for another 1" total of 2" but in my experience things always take longer than i think lol

Question: could i raise these silks in his enclosure? or would he go for the box?
im not too sure what size "micro" is but im allowing a month for them to grow around 2" i may be wrong though i have read 1-1 1/2 weeks from hatchling to an inch and the same again for another 1" total of 2" but in my experience things always take longer than i think lol

Question: could i raise these silks in his enclosure? or would he go for the box?

If he could see them through the box then defiantely,And he could damage him if he keeps aiming at the box, as mine go crazy for any type of worm more than any other feeder, i think the way they move atracts them?

I might give them a go mate, i going to read up now on rasing them, then give them a go, how many have you ordered?
the smallest order i could do was 100 im hoping i can breed from those 100 and effectively have a free staple from then on. then i can drop his locusts to a few a week (i hate handling locusts)
well they all died, about half in the post before i got them and after changing their food every day i came home from work and found them all covered in mould :( not happy
I don't know much about silkies but when they are eggs how long until they hatch and can be ready to be fed to an adult male veiled?
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