Simba's eyes ok, but still not eating!


Established Member
As most of you know, Simba had a problem with his eyes swelling like balloons last week!!:eek:

Which, I'm pleased to say, seems to have improved 99.9%.

HOWEVER, he still hasn't eaten anything for a few days now! He managed to grab a single morio at the beginning of last week (coz he couldn't focus properly and kept missing!)

We were away this weekend, so he had his drops in on Friday morning, then Friday afternoon before we left.

I put 6 locusts in there, gave him a good mist, filled his dripper right up and put some ice cubes on top of the enclosure too.

When I got back this afternoon, went straight up to see him and although his eyes seem fine (therefore I haven't put any drops in today) he hasn't touched any locusts.

Got a new mister for him (the ones you pump up before you mist, which I have to say are brilliant for the mist they put out!!) so he got a good soaking, for most of which he was lapping up the water from his vine/leaves, so got a good drink.

Planning on being up early tomorrow to try him with waxworms/morios, see if I can see him shooting and work out if he's still missing, or just not interested.

Hope he's just a bit out of sorts from having his meds and he has had the stress from the past few days. Fingers crossed its nothing too serious!

Got a few pics when I came back, 1 of which I think I'll put in the next photo contest to see if my brave lil gorgeous man can win!! :D




Photo contest possibility? I could kiss that handsome face all over!!!!


Eyes looking much better!



Hope he starts eating soon!!
are his temps ok? as his spot light doesnt seem that bright.
have you tried using smaller prey items?

He looks great, so hopefully he will be back to his old self soon. My guy isn't ever getting waxworms again unless he gets sick and needs a treat, but don't tell him that :)
Pressure pump misters are just so much better, I'm surprised anyone uses the other kind at all. I bet people with automated mist systems feel the same about our kind though..........
He wasn't really given an exact diagnosis, but was prescribed an antibiotic/steroid eye drop which I put in twice a day, as they expected he was having an allergic reaction to something in his enclosure, or could have an infection. It flared up when he was in his enclosure, but disappeared both times he was at the vet???

As per advice due to a similar experience from another member, I removed his exoterra vines as they were degrading and I couldn't help but wonder if the little pieces were getting in his eyes as they were ending upon his skin. After removing the vines and administering the drops, his eyes were fine.

As a precaution, I also sterilised his entire setup and changed his Ficus and Schefflera plants for Yucca plants.

Like I say, I'm just hoping it hasn't had an effect on his focus, as he hasn't eaten for a few days.
are his temps ok? as his spot light doesnt seem that bright.
have you tried using smaller prey items?


Yeah, I think the flash on my camera has made the basking bulb look dimmer.

His basking temp is normally 31-32C.

I'll try different feeders tomorrow.

No luck with wax worms today :(

He's just not interested.

Suppose I'll just have to keep trying.

Here's some more pics from tonight. He got little rolls of loose skin under his eyes after I sprayed him but then they went back to normal (phew)

Lapping up a last little drop from his fake ficus:


Chillin on his basking branch:


Love that blue!:


Such a handsome boy! Gonna see if my brave man can win the 'eyes' photo contest for March with this one :) I love how his eyes look golden!!

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Wow! I love that eye pic! Simba is such a gorgeous boy!:D They can go quite a few days without eating. They don't need feeding every day as adults anyway. My first female went for 10 days without eating, yet she still went on to dig a hole, lay over 100 eggs and fill it al back in again after!
Thanks Tiff!!:D

And for the reassurance too!! Think I'm just worried after his eyes being the way they were, then watching him miss his feeders was heart wrenching!!

Hoping he'll start eating soon!!

Wish I could find some silks over here!!!
Thanks Tiff!!:D

And for the reassurance too!! Think I'm just worried after his eyes being the way they were, then watching him miss his feeders was heart wrenching!!

Hoping he'll start eating soon!!

Wish I could find some silks over here!!!

I have a colony of 500 on the way. I am pretty sure this is going to be far too many. If I can rear them to a decent size I'd be happy to send you some up.

Edit - by the way, when did he last eat?
He had a single Morio beginning of last week. (He had shot at one held in forceps about 10 times but his focus was out so he kept missing coz of his eyes) Got my hand on 2 occasions!! ICK!!

Then I held one sort of sideways and he managed to nab that one. (With calcium supplement on it)

Put locusts in at the weekend but he ignored them.

Had a silkworm in there all day today, but he's not interested :(

I guess I'll just keep putting one in there till he gives in.???

He's still drinking fine, so I'm thinking as long as I keep him hydrated, he'll eat when he's ready??

How long can they go without food before I need to consider force feeding??
I really don't want to do this, but him not eating means I can't get supplements into him.

His head pads don't seem sunken in so I'm assuming thats a sign he's not losing condition??

Can't help but be worried :confused:
My male panther went two to three weeks without feeding. he didnt loose any weight and still drank. I stopped showing him feeders for about 4-5 days and then introduced them again and he ate them. just rememeber variety but from the sounds of it he gets plenty! If he isnt loosing weight or looks different and is drinking I wouldnt worry!
Thanks very much for the reassurance Bradley!! :)

That has calmed my nerves a bit!! Like I say, he doesn't look out of condition and does still drink.

I think I'll do what you did and not offer feeders for a few days.

I'll take the 4 locusts out that he left (I put them in this morning) then I'll not offer any more feeders until next week, see if he's interested then.

Thanks again.
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