Simba's first weigh in!


Established Member
Better late than never I suppose, but decided I'm going to regularly weigh Simba and keep a record as well as of what he's fed, supplements and shedding etc...(Thanks for the tip Sandra!)

I SERIOUSLY don't give that boy enough credit!!

SUCH a good little lad he was coming out to be weighed this morning. (He did gape a little bit but that was my fault...I thought he was going to launch himself of my hand so used my other one to gently secure him, but I'm a bad Mam and it was over his bad!!! Slap hand, don't do it again!!!! LOL) Sorry Simba!!! :eek:

After that tho, he was an absolute little star :D:D:D

I used his shower tree to pop him on, on the scales.
Up he climbed and sat for a bit while I read the dial.

108g - ADVICE REQUIRED HERE PLEASE!!!! Is he underweight/overweight or is that weight OK? (He'll be 2yrs and 2 months on 4th Feb if that helps)

He then climbed right up to the top of the shower/weighing tree then up onto my hand again no probs.

Popped him straight back in his enclosure, then quickly grabbed the mealworms!!!! Want him to know positive experience comes with those glass doors opening as well as me disturbing the sunbathing and man handling him! ;) LOL

As he still has a couple of roaches left in his feeder from Thursday, I just fed him 6 mealies. Which he gratefully accepted of course! LOL So I''m pretty sure he doesn't hate me :D

Happily lazing about on his basking branch now. All his feeders sorted for today. Now I can sit back and just watch him.

I bloody love that little cham!!! HUG(((((((Simba)))))))))HUG

If you could advise on the weight I'd be grateful! :)
Weight varies greatly with adult males. It has been said the further down a generation a panther has been bred the smaller they are as adults. My male was about 250g at 2 years old. Aslong as he doesnt look skinny then he should be fine. You would be able to tell if he was underweight.
Here's the most recent pic I have of him (taken 29.1.13)

Does he look skinny or is he about right?

I can't help you with your question except to say he looks damn fine to me :)
I'm a bad daddy myself and I don't weigh anybody.......I don't even weigh myself ever (just don't see much point, especially without statistical analysis ;)). At least I feed them well and take them for regular checkups at the doctor though, hhahaha.........
I can't help you with your question except to say he looks damn fine to me :)
I'm a bad daddy myself and I don't weigh anybody.......I don't even weigh myself ever (just don't see much point, especially without statistical analysis ;)). At least I feed them well and take them for regular checkups at the doctor though, hhahaha.........

Aww thanks David!
Like I said, I only started today at Sandras advice. Weighing Simba that is, Sandra didn't tell me to weigh myself!!! LOL

On that subject, I'd just like to tell you that I did weigh myself just out of curiosity on the Wii the other day and for the first time in my life, it said OVERWEIGHT!!!!! I was like erm, NOOO I'm pregnant you piece of crap!!! Unfortunately it doesn't have a 'with child' check box! I didn't even bother checking what the weight said!! LOL OVERWEIGHT!!!! HOW BLOODY RUDE?!?!?

Actually speaking of the Wii, I'll be back in a minute!!!! :eek:
I agree he looks a healthy weight, could just be a little guy :p my boy just turned 1 and he's 155 grams
He doesn't look shinny but that is small for an adult male panther.

To be honest, I thought so Jann, based on some other weights I have discovered of panthers of the same age.

He went through a stage of only eating once a week before I moved him, so I'm wondering if that's maybe why?? Even when I offered him feeders he just wouldn't eat them! Stubborn little bugger! LOL Don't know if that's had an effect overall, or if he is indeed just a little boy??

Since he's been moved to new enclosure though, he's now eating every 2 days. (average 6 feeders - depending on what they are) I'm thinking, the higher basking temps and having more room to move around is making him more active, hence the increase in his appetite)

I have to be honest, he's getting fed more of a variety of feeders now, which in turn are better gutloaded too now I have more time on my hands!! That has to contribute!

I'm hoping to see a marked increase in his weight when I weigh him again at the beginning of March.

On the menu today is fruit beetle grubs, so that should help!! LOL

Thanks everyone for your advice.

I'll let you know what he weighs in a month ;)
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