Simba's 'Jungle' (Pics and vid!)


Established Member
Simba's ficus was slowly but surely disappearing a few leaves at a time...

005-13.jpg today I went and got him a new Ficus and Schefflera and another fake ficus for the back wall of his enclosure to give him a little more cover.
As usual, he wasn't all that happy about coming out of his enclosure, but he only gaped a couple of times. He was some gorgeous colours while he was out :cool:.

Seemed to like his new setup once he was back in. Half a dozen wax worms sealed the deal ;)

Well jungled up now!! :D



Here's a little vid of him settling back in:

Let me know what you think :)
Simba's jungle looks great! You did a fine job on it. Please post a few pictures of Simba. He's eyes look a bit large in the video.
Simba's jungle looks great! You did a fine job on it. Please post a few pictures of Simba. He's eyes look a bit large in the video.

Hi Jann,

He is asleep now. I've always thought he's had quite big eyes!! Will try and get some more pics 2mrw.

These are the most recent pics of him:


The enclosure looks great!

Simba has some huge eyes, hes looking good.
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*jannb* more pics of simba-eyes

Hi Jann,

Here's some more pics of Simba taken this morning.From a few different angles.
Like I said, I've always thought he's got big eyes, but if there is something wrong, please tell me ASAP! If they are too big, what causes this and how do I fix it!?!?!?!? :eek:












Such a poser!! LOL!

They do seem to be pretty baggy underneath, but honestly I have no idea what it could be since his eyes are nice and clear and not squinty in the least. I would just go to a vet for a little check up to make sure there is nothing to worry about.
His eyes do look big, but in all the pics he has just been misted, so he may just be cleaning his eyes. Amy had huge eyes for a couple of nights in a row last year for no reason at all - she looked like a hammer head shark, lol! It was only at night though - they were completely normal through the day. Kat - do you have any pics of him when he has not just been misted?
I'm beginning to think they do look a bit baggy underneath!!

What causes this and what can I do to fix it??

More pics, no misting:






Could it be anything to do with the plants being new?? He's had these plants in before and never shown baggy eyes tho :confused:
Will try and get a vet appt. for him this week.

Is there anything I can do in the mean time?
What supplements are you using and how often? He has grown into such a handsome boy! Make sure your vet knows about chameleons though - if they don't then find somewhere that does and take him there. My cats go to our original vet, but after what happened with Lily I found a different vet for my chameleons and geckos, and I have much more faith in him!
What supplements are you using and how often? He has grown into such a handsome boy! Make sure your vet knows about chameleons though - if they don't then find somewhere that does and take him there. My cats go to our original vet, but after what happened with Lily I found a different vet for my chameleons and geckos, and I have much more faith in him!

He gets fed every other day. Mon, Wed and Fri.

Monday and Friday he gets just 100% calcium (Komodo cricket dust)
Wednesdays he gets T rex Chameleon Dust Multi Vit. Calcium with D3 (400ug) and I checked it has Vitamin A 4000ug

I asked the last time I was in my usual vets, who the best person was to speak to. Apparently one of the vets there, Nicole is pretty good with reptiles. I won't know till I go though. Will keep you posted!

Hope he's ok. Worried now!! :(
It's better to get things checked out and if it turns out to be nothing, then it's good. As soon as mine do anything different or 'look' funny they are straight to the vets!
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