Size & Time


New Member
Just wondering...

My Cham is about 2 inches long excluding the tail.... i believe she is a few weeks old....
Does anybody have an estimate size for when they are a month old, 3 months old, 1 year old.... etc.
Just wondering...

My Cham is about 2 inches long excluding the tail.... i believe she is a few weeks old....
Does anybody have an estimate size for when they are a month old, 3 months old, 1 year old.... etc.

without knowing the species it would be hard to say. A pic would help too!
without knowing the species it would be hard to say. A pic would help too!

Yemen/Veiled Female

Nice girl - she looks really young for sure, and I would agree that she is just a few weeks old.

It is hard to predict how fast chameleons will grow to their adult size, as there is a lot of individual variation. I am unaware of the existence of growth charts for chameleons, but would definitely be interesting to have them!
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