Skin Necrosis?

I just dusted a medium cricket and she ate it. Hopefully it won't upset her stomach.

My fiance just got off the phone with the co-store owner where we bought her. He talked to a chameleon breeder about Emmie. He said/he thinks HIGHLY that it's a bacterial infection and to give/get her a shot of something called "Baytril" and not to handle her for 2 weeks and to increase watering exponentially.
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She ate it by herself, or did you put it in her mouth?

Also, my chameleon goes off of food when shedding, but he doesn't sit there with his eyes closed or appear weak.

He said/he thinks HIGHLY that it's a bacterial infection and to give/get her a shot of something called "Baytril" and not to handle her for 2 weeks and to increase watering exponentially.

Uhhh. Don't do that. You don't want to do that until you go to a vet. Baytril is really rough on chameleons and should only be used as treatment when you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE. Baytril also promotes lack of eating in chameleons to the point sometimes of death, and that appears to be one of your primary issues. Bacterial infections would have other symptoms, like mucus, runny stool, etc. Once again, I strongly urge you not to give her baytril until your vet tells you to. It is used cautiously and only when your chameleon SURELY has a bacterial infection.
She ate it by herself, or did you put it in her mouth?

Also, my chameleon goes off of food when shedding, but he doesn't sit there with his eyes closed or appear weak.

Uhhh. Don't do that. You don't want to do that until you go to a vet. Baytril is really rough on chameleons and should only be used as treatment when you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE. Baytril also promotes lack of eating in chameleons to the point sometimes of death, and that appears to be one of your primary issues. Bacterial infections would have other symptoms, like mucus, runny stool, etc. Once again, I strongly urge you not to give her baytril until your vet tells you to. It is used cautiously and only when your chameleon SURELY has a bacterial infection.

agreed............even call and ask a vet first........i gave my cham baytril ( only 3 smal doses) and he stopped eating immediately, and became super disoriented, and he hasnt stopped doing that yet..........have a look at my post, perhaps some of the advice from the senior members can help you too.....i know how it feels to have a sick cham :( all too well........let me know if u have any questions.
You said..."Lighting - I don't know the brand or model. I know it produces UVA & B rays. Around 9am-7pm her light is on. It is about 6" from the top of the cage" the light a compact, spiral, long linear tube or what?? This can be playing a part in the problem.

You said..."I was feeding her crickets that would be covered in Herp Dust and fed apples" need to improve your gutload. A wide assortment of greens (dandelions, kale, collards, endive, mustard greens, escarole, etc.) and veggies (carrots, squash, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, zucchini, etc.) can be used to feed the crickets.

I don't know what's in herpcare...but she needs a phosphorous-free calcium at most feedings and a vitamin powder with a beta carotene source of vitamin A twice a month and a phos.-free calcium/D3 powder twice a month IMHO.

She should drink when misted even if she is sick. In fact they ususally drink more when they are sic,.

The black mark could be any number of things....a vet could tell you.

You said her another claw fell out and "She used to fall all the way from the top of her enclosure to the bottom"...could be signs of a calcium imbalance...but again, a vet could tell you.

You said..."At times I will see her just hanging off the vine"...this is also telling you that she is sick.

What you are in affect doing by not taking her to the vets is letting her die....and I'm sure its not pleasant for her. If you talk to the vet you might be able to work it out that you wouldn't have to pay all at once. If you are not willing to do this, then you should see if there isn't someone (like a rescue) who could take her who is willing to help her before its too late (although I'm reasonably sure she won't make it more than a few days at the rate that she is going).

As for giving her an might work or it might not. You don't know what bacteria is involved (if any) at best its a shot in the dark.
I would never give an animal anything unless otherwise instructed by the vet. I mentioned it because I was curious as to the background and nature of the product. Now I know. The bulb is actually a solar glo bulb by Exo Terra. I think I updated that information a few posts ago. As well as the cage type and the silk leaves and branch/vine type. She seems to be doing a lot better, but I still need to take her to a vet. I only have $1.37 (literally) to my name right now, so I don't think that's remotely enough to cover even a fourth of the bill if that was possible. She ate another cricket today. And I had to put it in her mouth. But once it's in there she chews it up just fine. When I mist her she just sits there, uninterested in drinking. Carrots are the only thing we have at the moment, so I'll go ahead and feed the crickets that.

Thank you.

I didn't plan on being thrown in a hole like this with the economy. Since the beginning of the year my life has been a cluster. Between Emmie and my diabetes, I'm trying my best. I won't be making any further updates unless they are wanted by the community. My mother has fallen ill as well.

Thanks again for all of your help. It's deeply appreciated. You've been very kind.
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Hi Kitty

The world is a difficult place at the mo - things arent much better over here in the UK.

Im really sorry to hear about everything - including your own personal problems.

I know it is a long shot - but it is something i have done - however i dont know how it works in the US....

Perhaps you have a seller near to you that you trust? If so maybe they can help by looking after her or nursing her? Or maybe even if there is a zoo or a member on here who is local and can help.

I had a sick snake last year and literally had no money - not even enough petrol to drive him the half hour car journey to the seller. Anyway, the people in the shop were brilliant! They picked him up and looked after him for 6 weeks. They only charged me for the food too!

I know snakes and chams are way different and again i dont know how it woul work in the US. But it may be something to think about!

I really hope everything works out for you - in every repsect!

I didn't plan on being thrown in a hole like this with the economy. Since the beginning of the year my life has been a cluster. Between Emmie and my diabetes, I'm trying my best. I won't be making any further updates unless they are wanted by the community. My mother has fallen ill as well.

Thanks again for all of your help. It's deeply appreciated. You've been very kind.

I know your frustration. Don't interpret my advice as being something meant to be harsh. I just know that as a novice I too have made mistakes, hasty mistakes...Kitty I know you want what's best for your cham, everyone does. Please dont let my advice discourage you from posting. I meant no harm in it, I was just telling you what I had done in first hand experience, and I've failed. Even if Emmie dies, this means nothing. This means you were given a sick cham to begin with, or the odds were against you on this. PLEASE don't leave the forum at my expense. :(

Diabetes is a terrible thing. I'm a soon-to-be MD and i understand the cruel reality to it. IF you ever need anyone to lean a shoulder on I am here. I hope both you and Emmie make it.
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