Skin Problem


New Member
Hello this is my first post.
Just wondering if anyone has come across this skin issue on their Chameleon before.
I took him to the vets and received antibiotics but they didn't seem to shift the problem.
He's feeding regularly temp is accurate and misting regularly.
Any insight would be highly appreciated
Not a vet, but looks like a shedding issue to me, and he looks a little dehydrated. What kind of skin issue did your vet say he had?
He said it might be some sort of infection. I can't remember the name he described.
The Chameleon drinks from a hand dripper quite regularly.
I'm at a loss if you think he has it, and it's life threatening maybe get a second opinion. Personally I wouldn't give a chameleon an antibiotic unless he really needed it they can sometime make them sick, or they could become to tolerant of it then it wouldn't be as affective when they really need it. You will also want to make sure you are giving more water than usual while they are taking it. Just my opinion, but like I said not a vet. Good luck sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Welcome to the forums.
What's the cage humidity level? A cham can be dehydrated if the cage climate is too dry, and even with regular drinking it can effect how easily they shed. Areas where the skin doesn't flex or move much (like the rostral area) can have a harder time shedding, but more misting can help. Even a gentle rub with a wet swab might shift it. One other your spraying water high in minerals? I wonder if the whitish area could be a mineral buildup, not an active infection. Unless of course I am not seeing what you were talking about?
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