Skinny Baby Cham?


New Member
Is it normal to see your Baby Veiled Chameleon's Ribs? Sometimes he puffs up but mostly i can see his ribs... He eats a lot so i am not sure?
I have a pair of veiled chams that are young and the only time I cant see thier ribs is after they get done eating 10 crickets.
You will pretty much see the ribs on a veiled chamelon their whole life span. Although I've seen a few pudgy veils out there.

On a totally unlated side note: TMI alert

I have officially changed the name of a certain security guard at work from the Dumper, to the Platinum Plopper. There's 12 floors for this robust dude to do his business, and he picks the 9th floor. WTF
hahaha! I love the name Platinum Plopper! Made it my xbox live gamertag awhile ago and now everything i sign up with i use it... Good stuff, thanks for the Info's!
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