Sleeping changes


Chameleon Enthusiast
so i've noticed that Bandit changes the spot he prefers to sleep in every few months or so and he seems to like one corner but its different spots of the corner. Comet always sleeps front and center of the hibiscus tree and its always consistent. do your chams do this???
Larry, Mary and Jane all sleep in the same spot every night. Chong has spots he goes to, Madmartigan is still getting used to his new cage so time will tell, and imelda also has a few different spots she likes to go to.
My veiled chameleon loves to sleep on one stick in the front of his cage. He will occasionally switch it up but he always ends up back on that same stick


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Stella always slept in the same spot until I removed the fake plant there. Now she’s found a new spot. Grumpy sleeps all over the place and has never seemed to have a particular spot. Hammlet just very effectively hides behind/in his plants so I have no idea where he is. However, last night they collaborated and gave me a gift of all three sleeping where I can see and melt from their adorable pj’s. ?
lol both of the guys tend to sleep right at the front of the cage so they get their food asap on feeding days when the lights come on haha
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