Sleeping concerns?


New Member
Your Chameleon - Male, Panther, About 7 months old, been in my care for over a month.

Handling - Daily 5-10min/day.

Feeding - 10 crickets per day dusted with Calcium Plus and gut loaded with Bug burger and a few mealworms every now and then

Watering - Misted daily, 4 times a day, 5min cycles. He also has a dripper. I see him drink and he appears to be hydrated.

Fecal Description - Appears healthy, wet but solid consistency.

History - Always been a happy, healthy little guy.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen cage (additional freerage), 32"x24"x24"

Lighting - 1 Reptiglow UVA, 1 Repitglow UVB and 1 100W Zoo med basking bulb. Lights on from 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM

Temperature - Cage temp always stays around 65 degrees. Basking spot is always 95 degrees.

Humidity - 45% between misting

Plants - Pothos

Placement - Low traffic area with plenty of ventilation, highest point being a little over 6ft from the floor.

Location - Massachusetts

Hi, My little panther, Erebus, always acts as if he wants to sleep early. Exactly 2 hours before lights out, he'll find a comfy spot, lighten his colors, curl of his tail, and just sit there. He doesn't actually go to sleep, but its the exact same position that he sleeps in. He's done this since I've had him. I discussed with the Kammer family that I could just have been jet lag, as he came from Cali to Massachusetts - an understandable explanation, but he's still doing it a little more than a month later. I'm not particularly concerned for his health as he still seems alert and happy when he does this, but if curious if someone has an explanation for this behavior?

Thanks! - Alex

EDIT: I noticed that sometimes he'll have only 1 eye open, but for short periods of time.
Maybe his clock has an earlier bed time that your clock. If doesn't seem to bother him, I would not worry.
Hi, My little panther, Erebus, always acts as if he wants to sleep early. Exactly 2 hours before lights out, he'll find a comfy spot, lighten his colors, curl of his tail, and just sit there. He doesn't actually go to sleep, but its the exact same position that he sleeps in. He's done this since I've had him. I discussed with the Kammer family that I could just have been jet lag, as he came from Cali to Massachusetts - an understandable explanation, but he's still doing it a little more than a month later. I'm not particularly concerned for his health as he still seems alert and happy when he does this, but if curious if someone has an explanation for this behavior?

Thanks! - Alex

PS: His lights come on 9:30 and go off at 9:00 PM

EDIT: I noticed that sometimes he'll have only 1 eye open, but for short periods of time.

I am located in NJ and on the first day I got my nosy be panther from the Kammers, he looked like he was so confused when the lights were out so early, because it was in the middle of the day in CA when it becomes dark here (Lights on and off at 7 am and 7 pm). I think if he were jet legged, then he would go to sleep after it becomes dark in the west coast.. so your cham's behavior from being jet legged doesn't make sense. My nosy be adjusted his circadian rhythm on the next day and now he goes to sleep right on time.

My other panther, from CA as well (different breeder), is really active until 2 pm and goes to his sleeping spot at 3-4 pm.. Like you described, he turns really really light in color with his tail curled up. He does not fall asleep but he would just sit there without moving. I was concerned at first but he has been doing that ever since I got him (for a couple months). So.. I think it just depends on the individual (?) :confused:
I am located in NJ and on the first day I got my nosy be panther from the Kammers, he looked like he was so confused when the lights were out so early, because it was in the middle of the day in CA when it becomes dark here (Lights on and off at 7 am and 7 pm). I think if he were jet legged, then he would go to sleep after it becomes dark in the west coast.. so your cham's behavior from being jet legged doesn't make sense. My nosy be adjusted his circadian rhythm on the next day and now he goes to sleep right on time.

My other panther, from CA as well (different breeder), is really active until 2 pm and goes to his sleeping spot at 3-4 pm.. Like you described, he turns really really light in color with his tail curled up. He does not fall asleep but he would just sit there without moving. I was concerned at first but he has been doing that ever since I got him (for a couple months). So.. I think it just depends on the individual (?) :confused:

Hmm, I imagine that this cant be too uncommon then? He seems just fine but Im alittle worried that he needs sleep he isn't getting.

Also, Updated with more info.
I imagine you are probably right about it being pretty normal. I know my male 5 month old panther does the same thing. My wife thinks it's the cutest thing. Lights come on at 7am off at 7:30pm. By 6pm he is in his spot, tail curled, lightened colors, and slowly blinking his eyes.

His room has quite a few windows in it with a couple of hrs of sunlight left outside too.
I wouldn't worry too much if hes acting normal my veiled does the same thing but its because i work until midnight so he doesn't get lights out until i get home but he's sleeping on my schedule so it works for me. He'll be lighter with his tail curled in "His" sleeping spot when i get home then ill shut off the lights and he'll be sleeping in less than a minute lol
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