Sleeping on Floor @ night?!?!


New Member
Hey all,
I have a concern. I caught my cham sleeping on the floor for the 2nd time, at night. In the morning time, he is up, alert and never sleeps. But Tonight is the 2nd night I found him sleeping on the floor, when all the lights are off. Is this normal? I know it isn't good when they sleep in the morning or go on the floor. But what if they sleep on the floor @ night? Is this bad? do let me know...
It sounds like a temp. problem.

What is the temp. at night and do you have a heat lamp? Is the cham close to a drafty window/ vent/ heater?

The cham may be too cold or too warm.
Hey Miss,
Temps are usually between 65-70 degrees @ night. THis is the first few times he is doing it. I've had him for almost 3mos. and he never used to do this...
I would definitely keep an eye on him. If he's spending a lot of "awake" time at the bottom, I'd be concerned. However, it seems like he's young and learning how to do things, so maybe the bottom is where he feels safest so that's where he's sleeping. I've had a number of chameleons do that when I first brought them home.
Thanks Eliza,
I hope that is what it is. He seems very active in the morning. I dunno what it is. WHen I find him sleeping on the floor @ night, I wake him up and move him to a branch. He usually then stays on the branch to finish the night sleeping...
my cammy did that for 2 months until i got him a bigger cage . it was kinda cute watching him curl up in a ball on the soft paper towels at the bottom of his cage 20 min before the lights when off... but later he was chilling on the floor all day thats when i relized he cage temps were too cold. this was during the winter though


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I'd stop waking him up. I'm sure that adds to his feelings of "danger".

Let him sleep where he wants and he'll probably start sleeping closer to the top soon.

My view on a sleeping chameleon is "try not to be in the room". By that I mean, let him sleep. I cover my chameleon's cage at night so he can't be bothered by what goes on in the house.

Just walk away once lights are out. Let him be where ever he is.
i dont know if that response was to me but that was a one time photo 5 months ago i always cover hes cage as soon as light are off
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