Sleeping upside down!


New Member
I have a 3 inch mt meru jackson chameleon, and right now he fell asleep upside down! Wont the blood rush to his head? Will he be alright?
Yes he will be fine. Usually young chameleons sleep in strange positions, especially if he's getting used to his surroundings.
If they fall asleep you can normally assume he's comfortable and be fine. They're funny little creatures haha :D
My female sleeps in the same spot every night, where my little man changes every few days and some of the positions have to make me giggle :)
He's just exploring and figuring everything out.
I always find one of mine sleeping in a weird position, and others sleep in the same spot every night.
Ok, at least his eating. I dont know if we has went down to the branches to drink yet. But he eats fruit flys from the screen top upside down.
It's normally pretty rare to see your chameleon drink. I think I've seen mine drink twice, ever... the best way to tell if he's hydrated is his poop. If he's got the little white part attached or near his feces, you're fine.
Ive seen him poop once, the day I got him. And the white part was orange. He is probably under hydrated. All I can do is spray the terrarium twice a day for a minute. And have the mister mist for 2 mins 5 times a day (it mist a portion of the terrarium, towards the bottom). Should I mist the chameleon itself? Or just the terrarium and he will find the water himself? He is small, so a water drop could drown him if I spray him.
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