Sleepy Amy!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
YAY! Finally, I managed to get a photo of Amy in her pj's! She decided to sleep at the top of the back wall tonight instead of hiding in her nearly leafless umbrella tree, so I was able to sneak my camera in!
I tried many times to take a photo of Lily sleeping, but she was so in tune with me that whenever I opened the cage she would wake up!

So, here it is - my first pic of a sleeping chameleon. Shhh! Don't wake her up, lol! :D


  • Sleepy Cham 080709.jpg
    Sleepy Cham 080709.jpg
    48.4 KB · Views: 168
Aww, that is such a nice snap :D

You've caught your chams doing almost everything now... is there anything you'd like to catch next?
Purty - but she's only pretending. :D She figured "Maybe if I completely ignore the camera this time, it'll go away."
She usually sleeps out of sight, so I was able to enjoy watching her sleep last night! She looked so happy and peaceful!:D
She really does look happy and peaceful. She even smiles whenshe sleeps. What a fantastic personality she has, lucky you Tiff.:D:D
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