sleepy chameleon

Could you please give us more information? Fill out the 'how to ask for help form' found here: and copy and paste the questions into this thread, giving us as much information as you can. Do you have a UV tube light on the cage too? Baby Jacksons should be kept at no higher than 80F and need a higher humidity too - between 70 - 90%. They also need a good drop of at least 10deg at night too.
Your Chameleon - Jacksons Chameleon, male in my care for 3 months
Handling - once every 2 days
Feeding - mealworms,super worms,and a little bit of crickets one every 3 days but offered every day
Watering - misting twice every day for one minute and i see him drink most of the time
Fecal Description - fecal color-yellow/white; no

Cage Info:
Cage Type - glass screen combo 16 y 24in
Lighting - zilla"day white light" 75 wat switching to red basking light at night
Temperature - average temp is 78 F measure with crystal thermometer
Humidity - humidity is created by misting and a drip system
Plants - no
Placement - in my room by the door 1.5 feet off the ground
Location - North Carolina

Current Problem - Chameleon is sleeping during the day as well as sunken eyes and a dark color.
Get yourself a UVB light and with the zilla day white light,,,which is a UVA and heat light i presume,,,,put them on 12 hour rotations,,,12 hours on,,,,12 off,,,,and get rid of the night light,,,,they need darkness to sleep!!!!
What did you mean by this,,,(Fecal Description - fecal color-yellow/white; no)
I mist my guy 2 times a day for about 2 minutes to make sure all the leaves of my plants have a good soaking,,,,which brings me to your no plants answer!!!! Get a Ficus or Seffelara so he can get in the leaves!!
And its always good to keep him higher up,,,they like looking down at you rather than up!!!!
I don't know much about jacksons but it would be helpful for those who do to know how you supplement and with what?
Please check out these blogs for more care info for Jacksons. and

He can't be that much of a baby if you are able to feed him superworms. My Jackson is a year old and doubt he would be able to tackle a superworm yet! Like already sad, they like cover so get some live, safe plants in there for him as soon as you can. Ficues, Pohtos, Schefflera and Hibiscus are all chameleon safe. These will help with humidity levels. I can't see how your humidity gets high enough for Jacksons without any plants at all. He will also drink from the leaves after misting sessions. You can also provide a dripper for him to drink from too. Any photos you have of him and the set up would be useful too so we can help you some more.
Agreed, you are in need of a UVB bulb. I use a 5.0 for my Jackson's.

Also, when it comes to feeding - are crickets the staple of the diet?

My Jackson's only eats crickets and I offer him a superworm and/or a mealworm every 3 weeks or so. Eating too many of these can cause issues. To avoid any chance of this happening...I just have crickets daily for him and use the others as treats.

I may have skimmed over it, but what about supplements?
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