small bsfl gutload

Ouch, garlic is poisnous!! I'll have to get a batch of supplement feeders till my insects pass that through. Dammit!! I only put a small piece in
I just bought 1000 and my cham wont bother w them? Ugh! my phelsuma only eat a few per week. How long do they keep in a wine fridge?
I have an on going experiment. Wine fridge at 56 degrees. Since april 1 and still going. So at least 8 months. I leave mine out until they start to pupate then I put them in fridge. Then i take a hundred or so out at a time to pupate over a week or so. I only feed the flies because its easier than the larvae.
Is garlic safe for using in gutload?
a member here who has a gutload with like a mil!ion ingredients uses garlic. I pointed out tyat it is toxic to inverts and some vertebrates (ie dogs). She saud it wasnt enough to be a problem. I dont use it.
Garlic is poisonous to most creatures. Ingestion of how much to create a problem depends on the creature. Even humans can get a overdose. Garlic is an amazing appetite stimulant! It is also a strong antibacterial! Just like most herbs and other medicine the right amount at the right time could have positive or negative outcomes! I have isolated one feeder and given it one small grain of dried garlic to eat. I then gave the bug to a chameleon on a hunger strike. And by golly it did increase appetite! I did not notice any Ill affects. There are better ways to deal with a hunger strike! So let's not all run out and kill our chameleons with garlic poisoning!
I should have posted the movement of the bsfl lol.. they were crawling on the bottom of the lid, super active, I put a bunch of thin sliced apples on top
I have an on going experiment. Wine fridge at 56 degrees. Since april 1 and still going. So at least 8 months. I leave mine out until they start to pupate then I put them in fridge. Then i take a hundred or so out at a time to pupate over a week or so. I only feed the flies because its easier than the larvae.
Thanks for tip! Will try this.
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