Smelly Supers


I don't mind if they bite me but won't they bite Ozzie? Just the thought of it gives me goose bumbs:eek: I would squish any bug or worm that would hurt him LOL!!!!

My chams have never been bitten by a superworm. My Sambava will run to his feeding cup when he sees me coming. My Nosy likes to be fed his superworms. I use tongs-no way I'm touching those things.
I thoroughly cleaned the bin and put in new oatmeal as substrate. NO smell. All I can figure out is that maybe I missed a piece of food that went bad and that's what smelled.

I was told that orange slices actually helped keep the smell down.
I have about 50,000 supers no smell



What an awesome set up. I've had a few beetles. :eek: I think they gross me out more than the superworms themselves.
The things we do for our chameleons!
Vomit. I had about 2k supers and I would change their substrate and I even added baking soda but they stank like shit. I left them outside and the next day it rained... You can guess what happened. But, if I could figure out how to keep them from smelling I would get them again. They scare me too. I always think they're gonna bite me. I'm not so worried about them attacking my chams though.
Use wheat bran and organic chicken layer feed the worms carrots only. Take what you need to feed out and gut load them overnight. If they are on top of their substrate they are thirsty and will eat each other give them more carrots. Potatoes mold faster and will smell. Keep the substrate dry.
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