Smillling Fisheri having a sun bath


New Member
Hi everyone,

Here is one pic of "dino" my 3 month old male Fisheri.
He is enjoying sun after a little exploration across the living room plant.
I m trying to let him discover a little tree I have in the room, good sun exposition and many big leaves that i sprayed for him to drink.
The out side temp and humidity are perfect from chams and i think he enjoys the place .
I m looking for any experiences and advices..


  • P1010526.jpg
    64 KB · Views: 149
Is he just drinking in the pic or was his mouth open the whole time? he may be overheated. also sunlight filltered thro glass takes out the bennifical rays of the sun while ackting like magnifiying glass to a ant.
thanks for your interest,
Dino was opening his mouth for the first time like this and that hte reason why i took the pic,,
Everytime i put him in the Three (2m high with no branch on the bottom like a lolly pop) i spray him i keep sur he is not dehydrating.
I really want to let him in his new territory
do you often let yours outside ?
In the summer i just put my chams outside for the day i put my panther in the sun and next year if it gets down into the 80's i will take my jacksons out. i should add i have a misting system running about 3 hours a day when there outside tho.
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