Chameleon Enthusiast
What are you using for a lid? My snails are growing slowly, no eggs yetI think I'd like to move them into a 10g aquarium just to make it a little easier to monitor them. They're in a semi-clear storage bin now, which works fine but an aquarium might fit my bug room better. I'm so eager to feed off some snails but they're not cooperating
How many do you have? As you have likely seen they like to climb on to the lid of whatever you use.
So for a 10g, what I used was one of those mesh reptile lids, and then I used clear packing tape and taped over the entire lid, except 2 2 inch squares. They don't need a whole lot of air, they need a whole lot of humidity.
If it gets dry, they will sleep. Which is fine, they will be fine, but they won't grow or mate whilst Aestivating.