snapping turtle


Avid Member
There are plenty around but they are hard to find. Found this guy/gal floating down the river. Took my shoes off and in I went for him. Any bigger I dont think I would have been comfortable grabbing him with my hands.

I put him back in the river.


Last year in my local fishing derby I caught a 30lbs snapper and had one hell of a time getting the hook out of its face. But i managed and the conservation people were very plaesed and surprised. It was really wierd I could have sworn it knew I was only trying to help.
Oh my he is so tiny! You can tell by the size compared to the helicopter seeds! I have never seen them with that type of shell either.
Nice alligator snapper, I've been after one quite a while but hard to get hold of in the uk, the common snapper are quite common but the shells are smooth, no where near as attractive as the Ali snapper
I had two one year they were the same size one got away and I had the other forgive years in my pond we moved and I got him out of the pond and gave him to the local fish hatchery
I removed one from the pool i lifeguarded at and carried it down to the creek it came from.
it was 1.5 ft from shell front to shell back.

i also once rescued a 2.5 ft snapper after it was run over by a lawn mower and had a huge gash in its head.

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