This past week was full of frozen rain (literally, hold out your hands, you catch little ice droplets), and SNOW, again!!!
There was snow here too! First time seeing it
You will all be glad to know that winter has left South Florida, and I can once again wear my t-shirts and flip flops with comfort. I do have to wear a sweater in the mornings, but by the afternoon that's gone :D
@Cordawayconstruction said..."Last time I sled down a hill in a toboggan I broke my back. Sledding is the devil"...good grief...that was not a good trip. I've never injured myself tobogganing....or skating or skiing either....thank goodness.

It was the dumbest thing that's ever happened to me In my life. Went off a little jump. I even slowed way down cause I was t trying to be crazy or get hurt. Landed on my but sitting upright in it and my t-12 burst. It happened Dec 27 2015, this pic was an x-ray taken 4 months ago. Stick to snowboarding, it's less dangerous. Lol


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Well here we go 10C yesterday and ALL the snow was gone and people were out in shoes and light coats. Today...down to freezing and 10 to 15 cm of snow by the time it was dark...back to winter boots and winter coats and scarves!! Roads were horrible and sidewalks slippery too. That's life in southern Ontario for ya!
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