So i'm looking for a primary feeder


New Member
I would not like to feed her crickets. i'll feed them every now and then. like once a week. but can you please suggest to me something ican feed every day? worms/beetles/ etc
Its a good idea to feed a variety of healthy gut loaded insect to your chameleons. Crickets are a main staple along with other insects. If your not digging the crickets as a main feeder, you can try your hand at with dubia roaches and or other roaches. I personally prefer the roaches since they are self sustaining and breed like crazy. However, I still feed my chameleons crickets, silkworms, hornworms, superworms, fruits flies since they are available to me most of the time.
I generally use superworms as a staple and supplement with horns, butters, silks and store crix. Kind of got tired of the smell and the mess so I just use the pet store and gut load good before feeding. I have recently purchased some dubai --shhhhh--the other half doesn't know yet, he'd freak. Actually they are more for my T's because I don't gut load them w/high Ca++ and the Ca++ is not so good for T's.

And besides, those black crix on the market right now make me scream like a little girl!

Which reminds me, I should probably visit Mullberry's soon.
yeah i despise crickets.. sadly i cant keep roaches a secret. i dont get it...

anyway. are silkworms hard to maintain?
Hornworms can be expensive to purchase when compared to other readily available feeders and they grow real fast when proper temperatures are maintain with a constant food supply. I personally don't use them as a staple basted on the 2 reasons above, expensive and grow too fast for some chameleons that are small to eat. That doesn't mean they are not a good feeder to use, especially along hand with a typical staple feeder such as crickets and roaches. Hornworms are a good treat that can help a dehydrated chameleon get hydrated. Horworms tend to make urates a little runny or loose if enough of them have been eaten.I think properly gutloaded crickets and roaches make a better staple, but hornworms can and should be incorporated into a chameleons diet if you have access to them.
I order in cups of silks and horn worms that already have food in them and replenish with silk/horn worm medium that comes in a bag and needs to be "cooked". I don't use them as a staple. Visit the sponsor site and check out the links. It'll give you an idea of how to keep the feeders.
I would not like to feed her crickets. i'll feed them every now and then. like once a week. but can you please suggest to me something ican feed every day? worms/beetles/ etc

Variety is best. IMHO you dont want a "staple" but rather a selection of prey choices. No one feeder should make up the bulk of the chameleon's diet. So with crickets once a week, your other 4 or 5 choices could be any of these:
Hissing roach nymps, Dubia and other roaches
locust / grasshopper
terrestrial isopods
indian walking sticks
blue bottles

see this link for a good list of the typicaly choices:
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