So its official....Loki hates me lol

Its true...Ive come to terms with it.....he hates me and everyone else that comes near him lol.

He is now 6.5 months old or so and he is such a grumpy little man. I had to take him out yesterday to clean his terrarium right out and man was he NOT impressed with me....Mr.Hissy pants came out lol. He has snapped at my oldest daughter when she put her hand in the terrarium to empty the container that collects water from his dripper, but he hasn't snapped at me (perhaps he knows that mama's is the hand that feeds him lol :rolleyes:)

He is growing and eating and pooping and drinking and has no health issues so for that I am happy. I hadn't tried to take him out in a few weeks because it just stressed him and prior to that he wasn't happy about being taken out but he didn't hiss at me like he did yesterday lol. So I do believe my beautiful boy is just destined to be a visual pet...which is fine because he is so relaxing to watch....

Just means our bearded dragon will be manhandled everytime I need a reptile snuggle (which he doesn't mind one bit lol)

I snapped these pics of Loki when I had him out yesterday...:D


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Thanks for the reply Kath

Yah maybe....He calms down once he is out and seems to enjoy looking around and what not...but man the getting him out part is NOT fun I think for now I will just leave him be and only take him out if its absolutely a must
Reptile snuggles! Yes! Haha.. he's very handsome. Seems like he's in that pissy stage of growth. Mine went from sweetheart to such a mad little boy pretty much over night. He's almost 6 months.
Just give him time. I went through this same thing with one of my ambi's and now after 8ish months of working with him.. such a sweetheart!

Good luck!
Maybe it's the name Loki lol. My panther chameleon named Loki is ironically the same way. A little bit younger but it sounds just like him. He wants his food and nothing to do with the food provider
Ha, ha, me too. Wyatt is alias Pissy Lizard; see my avatar. He came in hissing as a tiny 2 month old, and has down graded from biting to head-butting. He's now 10 months old, and I just laugh at his antics. I love him the way he is. For warm fuzzies I have a cat.
ChamLady your post was humorous!

My cham is the same, about 6 months old and generally hates the process of being taken out of the cage but loves to run around on anything we put her on once she is out. She doesn't seemed stressed unless the dogs come to close!
He cant be THAT mean, or he wouldnt have even gotten on your hand
for the pic w/o first bitting off a finger or two ;)
So I tried taking my Cham out yesterday and he inflated like a balloon and started gaping at me.. So I tried something new; instead of backing off, I gently placed my hand under him and pushed under his head gently and he deflated lol. Returned to normal color and everything, it's like he couldn't inflate while my hand was there. Then he ran away. Anyone have a similar experience?
I've given up trying to get Dillon out now, he's 7 months old and I leave his cage door open so he can come and go as he pleases, but then I have to put him back in........ and that's not much fun for me lol
Lol yeah I bet. So for the first time my chameleon tried hiding from me just now, instead of inflating and trying to scare me away, I think he knows puffing up doesn't work anymore so now he's trying to hide.
Here's him trying to "hide"
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