** JOHN SNOW 1/19/19 Today is a much more cheerful day. **
This is our John snows cage setup before we made quite a few changes. I'm sorry... but these animals are not the cheapest and easiest creatures to maintain, and if you don't have time or the money, DON'T BUY THIS ANIMAL. Today I went to three stores to pimp this little guys road. I spent well over 500 USA dollars on this guys upgrades alone. . We will also be going to see a specialist on Monday morning to figure out what exactly the state of health he is in. With that said, people don't just half-ass taking care of pets you made a commitment to. It can be tedious at times, very unpredictable and even quite expensive.
Sorry guys but I had to start this extension post with a little venting session. I was up all night sick to my stomach that this guy would die before I even had the opportunity to get him help. GOOD NEWS !!! Ol' Johnny boy is looking pretty dang good after making major alterations to his environment! He has been eating, drinking, opening his eyes, climbing just being the best fighter. With that said, there are still major concerns of mine, the main being the whole eye situation he has going on. One eye in specific is swollen and when he opens it, it looks cloudy, almost to the point where he looks blind, or has a film over it.( You can clearly see this is some of the photos provides or photos in the video) He seems to keep flexing his eye muscles in attempts to clean it. Im not sure if this is because of the (probably prehistoric) UVB bulb, retina burns from getting to close to lights trying to get warmer, Vitamin A deficiency or what... I do know he was scaling the screen in his cage because he had no foliage to move around in or on. . and almost attaching himself to the roof of the cage. Luckily this behavior has dramatically changed since the upgrade.
First let me give you all some background
I live in Columbus Ohio where its really cold... like 30's and snow right now for instance.
Yesterday I drove 1.5 hours to Dayton, OH to pick up our new member. When I got there two kids came out with a completely assembled cage full off stuff including, yes you guessed it, THE LIZARD!!!
I almost died right there. I honestly thought this guy had a little more sense than that. . NOPE!!!!
I frantically dug at the cages clasp to get this dude to a shelter. Mind you, I assumed the cage would be disassembled. . and it did not fit in my Subaru Legacy. So I'm standing outside for 20 minutes while these two knuckle heads crack jokes and very slowly take down the cage...
At this point I just thought this guy really was just cold.
As a female going to 3 random guys house to buy their chameleon I was really just trying to get out of there. .
When I got back into the car I knew that the car was much lighter than what I had hoped it would be leaving Dayton.
So I pulled off and decided that my gut was telling me to really check this guy out.
When I looked at him I instantly knew he was just not in the right condition.
Main indicator was the gunky eye.
I immediately let the guy know that somethings not right and he needs a vet.
The kid said something along the lines of, "Im glad you have him then-".
The only news that really matters in this post is the fact that John is continuing to show signs of feeling better.
Our new setup and materials consists of :
1. Automated Misting
2. Linear UVB 20" setup with the Zoo Med Repti-Sun T8 5.0 bulb
3. 75 Watt basking bulb
4. Large live Sheffelera
5. 3X Large terra vines
6. large grooved Grape wood log.
7. 2 thermometers/hydrometer combos
8. Rocks in base of plant pot
9. crickets, Dubai roaches, Superworms
10. 2X critter cages
11. gut loader
12. calcium with D3 no phosphorus
13. Multivitamin
14. reptiwater conditioner
15. feeding bowl with tongs
16. new spray bottle
At this time thats all I can think of but it seems to have really done the trick.
If he's eating and moving around I feel like I can breathe. .
Maybe its because of all the well-wishers.
Moral of the story, You guys rock and so do chameleons.
I hope you enjoyed our story and continue to follow and grow with us, HOPEFULLY FOR A LONG TIME TO COMEEE!!!!
** JOHN SNOW 1/19/19 Today is a much more cheerful day. **

This is our John snows cage setup before we made quite a few changes. I'm sorry... but these animals are not the cheapest and easiest creatures to maintain, and if you don't have time or the money, DON'T BUY THIS ANIMAL. Today I went to three stores to pimp this little guys road. I spent well over 500 USA dollars on this guys upgrades alone. . We will also be going to see a specialist on Monday morning to figure out what exactly the state of health he is in. With that said, people don't just half-ass taking care of pets you made a commitment to. It can be tedious at times, very unpredictable and even quite expensive.
Sorry guys but I had to start this extension post with a little venting session. I was up all night sick to my stomach that this guy would die before I even had the opportunity to get him help. GOOD NEWS !!! Ol' Johnny boy is looking pretty dang good after making major alterations to his environment! He has been eating, drinking, opening his eyes, climbing just being the best fighter. With that said, there are still major concerns of mine, the main being the whole eye situation he has going on. One eye in specific is swollen and when he opens it, it looks cloudy, almost to the point where he looks blind, or has a film over it.( You can clearly see this is some of the photos provides or photos in the video) He seems to keep flexing his eye muscles in attempts to clean it. Im not sure if this is because of the (probably prehistoric) UVB bulb, retina burns from getting to close to lights trying to get warmer, Vitamin A deficiency or what... I do know he was scaling the screen in his cage because he had no foliage to move around in or on. . and almost attaching himself to the roof of the cage. Luckily this behavior has dramatically changed since the upgrade.
First let me give you all some background
I live in Columbus Ohio where its really cold... like 30's and snow right now for instance.
Yesterday I drove 1.5 hours to Dayton, OH to pick up our new member. When I got there two kids came out with a completely assembled cage full off stuff including, yes you guessed it, THE LIZARD!!!
I almost died right there. I honestly thought this guy had a little more sense than that. . NOPE!!!!
I frantically dug at the cages clasp to get this dude to a shelter. Mind you, I assumed the cage would be disassembled. . and it did not fit in my Subaru Legacy. So I'm standing outside for 20 minutes while these two knuckle heads crack jokes and very slowly take down the cage...
At this point I just thought this guy really was just cold.
As a female going to 3 random guys house to buy their chameleon I was really just trying to get out of there. .
When I got back into the car I knew that the car was much lighter than what I had hoped it would be leaving Dayton.
So I pulled off and decided that my gut was telling me to really check this guy out.
When I looked at him I instantly knew he was just not in the right condition.
Main indicator was the gunky eye.
I immediately let the guy know that somethings not right and he needs a vet.
The kid said something along the lines of, "Im glad you have him then-".
The only news that really matters in this post is the fact that John is continuing to show signs of feeling better.
Our new setup and materials consists of :
1. Automated Misting
2. Linear UVB 20" setup with the Zoo Med Repti-Sun T8 5.0 bulb
3. 75 Watt basking bulb
4. Large live Sheffelera
5. 3X Large terra vines
6. large grooved Grape wood log.
7. 2 thermometers/hydrometer combos
8. Rocks in base of plant pot
9. crickets, Dubai roaches, Superworms
10. 2X critter cages
11. gut loader
12. calcium with D3 no phosphorus
13. Multivitamin
14. reptiwater conditioner
15. feeding bowl with tongs
16. new spray bottle
At this time thats all I can think of but it seems to have really done the trick.
If he's eating and moving around I feel like I can breathe. .
Maybe its because of all the well-wishers.
Moral of the story, You guys rock and so do chameleons.
I hope you enjoyed our story and continue to follow and grow with us, HOPEFULLY FOR A LONG TIME TO COMEEE!!!!