So, so close, but yet so far!!!!


New Member
I have been attempting to breed my very high white pied ball pythons for the last couple weeks. This is the first time they came close to mating. Their vents were lined up perfectly, but nothing was happening. Hopefully soon!!!


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Oh I just love those snakes

Sooooo pretty!

Trust me to have married a man with a phobia of em!! Lol

Hope they mate soon. And I want to see baby pics!!!!:D
Thanks for the comments.
I really hope they will breed and I will definitely post some pics when the babies are born.
I am not a snake person but those are beautiful. I would love seeing and holding babies from that pair. Good luck.
Thanks Laurie, when the babies are born, you will have to come over for a visit ;)

Sang- it does seem like a I breed a lot of reptiles. Let's see: chameleons, bearded dragons, crested geckos, sulcatas, corn snakes, ball pythons. I am working on getting my boas to breed this year as well.
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