So Tired of Hand Misting!

Habba mist

I have a habba mist system, it goes for about 60 bucks. You can set it on a timer, i have it set to mist every three hours for 30 seconds. Pretty low maintenance also.
Thank you! :) I'm so poor right now, lol! I'll just keep saving up for my AquaZamp, penny by penny but i'll get one. Thank you all for your suggestions!
I REALLY is! As easy as it probaly looks to all of you, it completely confusing to me. Someone just take my money and do it for me! Lol!

for a single cage all you need is one pump sprayer and some tubing that will fit the nozzle and hose
Pretty, I found that the hand pump insect repellent system is the best for me.


I have old lady "carpal tunnel" wrists so can't really hold heavy things over my head for an extended period of time. Using this, the wand does the height.

Also, I have tried both the battery powered and human powered mist bottles and in both cases, I found that they had a tendency to drip. Some water didn't get sent to the misting nozzle, it ran down my arm. That has not been a problem with this system. I think I paid $15 at Walmart.

This is what i use and its the best £15 i've spent works a treat.
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