I personally use one with my female jacksons. She seems to be doing fine. It does have to be at a higher distance than t8's though so there isnt a accidental burn on the cham. someone told me the reasons alot of people are against these bulbs is that the UV doesnt cover as much of the cage as the tube lights. That was just one person though. Now you got me wondering if i should switch my lighting. Hope someone can give us more insight.
i hope so. got my complete chameleon setup as an early Christmas gift from mom, dad and grandma. (im 13. don't worry i did my research and its not my first reptile) so i didnt get to pick out the light
I use a solar glo on my panther. Haven't had any problems and I've been using it for about 7-8months. I use it with a Jungle Dawn LED spotlight. That combo keeps cham very happy and the scheflera alive. I never had any luck keeping stupid plants alive before the spotlight.