soldier fly larva confusion


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’m so confused, I want to give Nachito a nice diverse diet but I can’t tell if these black soldier fly larva are alive. I have had them for like 5 days now and they arnt to active anymore. Are they dead or did they pupate? This always seem to happen when I buy them.
I’ve been having the same issue. Lately the chain pet stores are keeping their bsfl in the fridge and then they all look and smell dead. If I wet them though, some will still move a little. I’ve just been giving them a small piece of something to eat and letting them sit. A few have become flies, so I dumped just the bugs in one of the plants. They’ll either pupate or become fertilizer. I’m going to have to order some on line when the weather cools a bit.
Most will pupate ar that stage, some will not. Just like everything else, some wont survive. Keeping bsfl in the fridge will kill them quick thats for sure. I hate it. But also the high temps right now make them pupate fast. Cant do much. But chams love the flies and its really good for them to have a flying feeder every now and then. Its good stress relief and good for their brain in general.
I’ve gotten them from How do y know they are in pupate stage and not dead?
I usually just wait them out. If they dont look like they are obviously rotting. If i remember correctly (been a while since i bought bsfl since my current boy doesnt like them and i cant feed off the flies fast enough) these guys dont wiggle when touched. So i think it takes like 1-2 weeks?
They will pupate in about 2 weeks. If you feel them and they feel a little harder than a bsfl then I'd say they are on their way to turn into a fly. Squishy ones are dead. Just keep the firm ones and in a few weeks you should have a nice flying treat for your little one!
Don’t buy them from stores that store them in fridges. I feed them in that pupate stage as they are most rich in nutrients then
I usually order my feeders when I need, but lately all I’ve needed is some mealworms and bsfl. Don’t want to pay $20+ to have $5 of bugs shipped.
I order a ton every 4 months or so. Most of my bsfl Tuen into flies because I can’t feed them off fast enough but it’s a really good enrichment feeder for my chams do I don’t mind. You just need to build up on you ninja fly catching skills :)
Do you keep them on the fridge?
Keep them very cool, but not refrigerator cool. After they turn black and hard, they will be hatching in several days. Unfortunately, since they don't move at that stage, they're not very appealing to chameleons.
I’ve been having the same issue. Lately the chain pet stores are keeping their bsfl in the fridge and then they all look and smell dead. If I wet them though, some will still move a little. I’ve just been giving them a small piece of something to eat and letting them sit. A few have become flies, so I dumped just the bugs in one of the plants. They’ll either pupate or become fertilizer. I’m going to have to order some on line when the weather cools a bit.
If you keep them in a fridge around 56-57 degrees it will slow them down but not kill them. I bought 500 mid January and still have some going strong. They will turn into flies but not as fast. Bought a little refrigerator for them. Like little little. See picture


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If you keep them in a fridge around 56-57 degrees it will slow them down but not kill them. I bought 500 mid January and still have some going strong. They will turn into flies but not as fast. Bought a little refrigerator for them. Like little little. See picture
I ordered 100 on line sometime quite a few months ago (in the autumn) and then when they weren’t pupating, I ordered many more (500 in January I think). Seems like it’s been months and months. Finally had some pupate into flies, which is what I wanted (flying treats to provide enrichment and stimulation) and still have plenty squirming around currently. It’s like the never ending container of bsfl.
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