some camera help (new point and shoot)


New Member
I want to buy a new point and shoot camera for myself because my mom and I hate the one we have now. Any suggestions?
Nikon! lol

there are tons of point and shoots out. Go the best buy and play with them all. They are all pretty much the same
Depends of what you wanna do.. take high pixel shots or nice clear and sharp pictures or digital photography?

I use a digital SLR Nikon D60. Its awesome , but the digital SLR's you have to take time to learn the camera and know your lens. If you want easy photography with a digital camera i would go with Canon powershot or Nikon Coolpix.

Lenses - Depends again what you wanna do, landscape pix or macro pix or a little bit of both. My lens 18-105 mm Nikorr VR is awesome , you can both get close to objekts and get wonderful landscape photos!
It all comes down to budget: how much you are willing to spend?
Canon or Nikon are both awesome.
It all comes down to budget: how much you are willing to spend?
Canon or Nikon are both awesome.

True, all brands are good ones but I would start to think of what you wanna do with the camera. Its useless to buy a digital SLR just to take photos with the programs installed on the camera. Way better to buy a SLR if you want to go deeper into photography.
Eyal im jealous i want the 18-105 VR for my D300S. I have all nikor glass, heres my lineup

I have the 18-55 and 55-200 Kit lenses that are great for learning, but i fazed out quickly
my good lenses are
17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED
and my newest and most favorite
80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED

All are AF/VR and are my post prized purchases ever. I got lucky and found alot of them slightly used locally and paid about 1/2 of msrp, which is way over $1,000 each.
My dream lens is the 300mm f/2.8G IF-ED though. That is jsut amazing for everything outdoors.

The best way to decide on a camera igo to different best buy or electronis stores and just sit there and play with everything you can get your hands on. Depending on your budget the new D3000 is a great entry level DSLR and i think is only like $500-600 on ebay
I'm a check the review's kinda guy. ( Not company reviews but user reviews) so, and generally have really good user reviews. not just "this product sucks" and not give a reason why. If 600 people like a product chances are you will too.

So if I was you I'd check out one of thoes sites that way u can put in your price range and get the best bang for your buck.

(Newegg has by far the best shipping I've ever seen. When I was in okinawa I ordered all my computer parts and I was building my computer in japan within a week and a half)
I've been told the Lumix DMC FS-15 Camera is a good price. Around $130-150, 12.1MP, can't remember the macro, but when I used it at Costco it was very good.
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