SOme help me find a thread please


New Member
It was a thread about why roaches are so much better than crickets, somebody made it to convince their wife to let them have roaches :)

I need this thread please as im almost in the same position :[
Your significant other, may still not be able to overcome his/her fear/disgust of roaches
anyway, but....

They are certainly easier to breed, most species are pretty much indestructable and breed themselves and thrive on neglect.

They will not escape if you house them correctly.

They will not emit bad odour if you maintain a level of hygene on a regular basis.

They cost virtually nothing to feed.

You will save $$$$$ by breeding your own as opposed to regular purchases.

Well gutloaded they have high nutritional content and will maintain the health of your beautiful chameleon pet/s.

In the event that you no longer want them, you are now a member of a large cham community online, many of whom will be only too happy to take them off your hands.

They dont make creepy noises (most anyway) and do not require 'looking at'.

Your spouse can take pride in the fact that you will be enviromentally freindly by disposing of vegetable waste (feed them) in a 'clean green' manner.

The neighbours will never know.

They require very little space and can be easily hidden from guests.

They can be used to drive away pesky religious types at the door.

Cant really stretch it more than that! :)
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