Some Melleri Photos (pic heavy)

Sam hanging out with me by the computer. He has some nice blue on him... it only comes out when he's calm.


full body pic... hes a big guy, just a little lanky.


Sam sleeping at night...


Chris asleep...


Henry asleep....


Lenny asleep....


Lenny, Sam and Chris having a chat about who gets to sleep where in the newly relocated free range...

very cool .... they are gorgeous and look fantastic!

How long have you had them? I brought home my first Meller's this weekend and am so nervous to make sure he does well ...
They look great as always Kevin! I love how in the last picture Chris is like "To heck with this I'm outta here!" Lol
very cool .... they are gorgeous and look fantastic!

How long have you had them? I brought home my first Meller's this weekend and am so nervous to make sure he does well ...

hydration is a must. They like it wet and cooler temps. be sure to get a fecal exam so you can see if he has parasites and be sure he/she has good horizontal perches and the cage is higher than your head. Melleri need to feel secure and superior to you. All they want is to be higher than you, and they'll be ok.
they look like stegasaurussess ... stegasauri ....stegasaurus's ???? whateva ya get ma drift :D hhaha they look great :p
hydration is a must. They like it wet and cooler temps. be sure to get a fecal exam so you can see if he has parasites and be sure he/she has good horizontal perches and the cage is higher than your head. Melleri need to feel secure and superior to you. All they want is to be higher than you, and they'll be ok.

Thanks. I've gotten the hydration pretty good and have already contacted the vet. Still need to get the cage higher ... in the meantime I crawl around him. ;-) After a couple days I'll move the cage - I don't want to be changing things everyday and freak him out.
A beast!!

I love them! Especially Sam - what a beast he is, right? They are all fantastic! I'm curious how you hydrate with the free range. I'm trying to work that out currently with my free range veiled.
I love them! Especially Sam - what a beast he is, right? They are all fantastic! I'm curious how you hydrate with the free range. I'm trying to work that out currently with my free range veiled.

You can see my AquaZamp misting nozzles in this photo:


The drainage is a bit special but not too hard to construct youself. I use Coroplast and make custom drain pans. The water then goes to a tub where it is automatically pumped to the house plumbing when the drain pan is full. I can post some photos of the drain system in another thred later today and post a link to them here.

Misting in a free range can be hard. The AquaZamp RainDome might be a good idea for some free ranges because the RainDome doesn't spray water, it creates rain.... so it's more like a super dripper. :D
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