Some of My Other Pets! = )


New Member
Female Red Harley Crested Gecko "Rexi"


Rexi "fired up"





I have more critters but got tired of copying and pasting, lol!







Yes, that little guy is a Gopher snake and is wild caught. My BF found it at work and rescued it from being killed and stomped on by his big ogre co-workers. In spite of him being wild caught he eats GREAT! :)
Sooo cool!!! Love your pets & what a big collection you have as well. What is that small spider on your hand called & is it a baby from the purplish one above? It's pretty awesome!
It is a baby but not the same as my Avicularia versicolor (Martinique Tarantula) this one is a Avicularia avicularia (Pinktoe). She is such a sweet heart. I also forgot to picture my baby Venezuelan Suntiger.

Here he is!


I thought I had posted one of him but accidentally posted 2 of Bitsty.
Awesome! Always great to add a fellow T lover and keeper. :D I have a total of 5 right now (very small collection but planning on more). 3 in. B. auratum, 3 1/2 in. A. versicolor, 3 in. G. rosea, A. avicularia (sling), P. irminia (sling). I had an Orange Baboon Tarantula but I sold him. :( I was terrified of him at the time and was worried since I have a 3 year old son. I regret it now...

What do you have in your collection and how many? :)
Awesome! I had snakes all growing up from when i was like 8 till about 2 years ago at 21 when i swapped to lizards. Ball pythons, Cali. Kings "My Fav" , Red tail Boa, and some little gardener snakes.

As for those spiders, i'll pass on them as a pet :) I have enough in my room living in the basement!
Awesome! Always great to add a fellow T lover and keeper. :D I have a total of 5 right now (very small collection but planning on more). 3 in. B. auratum, 3 1/2 in. A. versicolor, 3 in. G. rosea, A. avicularia (sling), P. irminia (sling). I had an Orange Baboon Tarantula but I sold him. :( I was terrified of him at the time and was worried since I have a 3 year old son. I regret it now...

What do you have in your collection and how many? :)

I don't know alot about spiders and scorpions...How venomous are yours? I know there are a few species of scorpions out there that are nasty. I wouldn't want to keep anything like that around my kids either.
Aw, thanks guys! As for how venomouse my T's and Scorpion are, they are all poisonous but the stings and bites are equivilant to a bee sting. Of course, you can have an allergic reaction and be in big trouble just as you would with a bee sting. My O.B.T. I had has more potent venom which include severe pain, muscle cramps, tightness of the chest, and also can cause irregular heart beat. A little scarier... Lol!:)

As far as my son goes, he knows that my tarantulas and scoprion are ouchy and he will not mess with them. He's afraid of them so it reassures me that he won't touch. ;)
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