Some of the babies.


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So. My camera is having trouble. But I have managed to get some decent pictures of the "boogers".
I hope you all enjoy! I will try to get some more this week.




This is quite possibly the best thing anyone can experience. It makes my day every time that I see them. Only two more to hatch out and they seem to be a bit slower. One egg doesn't look to be fertile, but has signs of veins in it.
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So many boogers! How many you got crawling around now? I am so looking forward to breeding glad I got me a pair :D
They are so adorable!! I can't wait til my veiled eggs start to hatch ... still have a couple months though - your photos make me all the more eager!!
that's how I was before they hatched! The colored one has yolk on him. He was right next to me when he bolted out of the egg. I was taking two out and he had his head out and he ran out with eyes open. It was amazing. :)
Zac they are so cute. I could sit and play with mine all day. Too bad I only handle them once every 3 days to really be able to clean the cages.:( I really would like to play.
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