Some Oustalets

They came from J & J Reptiles in Calgary, Jim (the owner) always orders in lots of fun Chams that I always seem to take home. I've gotten these two, the Deremensis, my female Xanth, and my Pygmies from him.

The female is really checking out her nest bucket... fingers are crossed.
Gently squeeze her sides and you should feel a bunch of eggs in her stomach. Usually when you can feel them you're a week or less from her laying them. Good Luck and keep us posted. I have around 3 clutches due to hatch in the next couple of months. Oustalets are an under appreciated chameleon, but are really great animals.
with them being such large animals what size cage do they require? i would like to own a CB, but i just got to finish my homework. i finally found my Montium so i am really stoked! should be getting one in about 3 weeks!
Gently squeeze her sides and you should feel a bunch of eggs in her stomach. Usually when you can feel them you're a week or less from her laying them. Good Luck and keep us posted. I have around 3 clutches due to hatch in the next couple of months. Oustalets are an under appreciated chameleon, but are really great animals.

When I felt it, it just felt like a firm mass, kind of felt bumpy, but not anywhere near compared to lets say a 'full term'. I can for sure feel something though. I'll be posting updates, hopefully she has a successful lay!
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