someone help please:mad:


New Member
:mad:i was just hold my femal c.dilipis and she was sitting on my hand she then opened her mouth and threw up...what should i doo please help
my only thoughts would be to take her to the vet and until then make sure that she stays hydrated.I have heard of some using pedialyte. But my experience with sick chameleons is really only limited to an eye infection with a simple fix. Sorry about your cham, hope all ends up okay!
Throwing up......

Good idea to get her to a vet. There are a lot of things that can cause vomiting. How long have you had her? How old is she?
i don"t mean to be mean....but....

Is there any chance that you are over handling your cham? Possibly fussing too much? Obsessing a little maybe?

If I'm wrong.. I apologize.. it just seems that you post over many little issues, such as "is my chams poo OK". Take this comment for what its worth, but I too have , on occasion over reacted , regarding my reptiles.

This may very well be an urgent issue and not knowing all the facts, advice is best to err on the side of caution. So, by all means, take your cham to the vet.
But, when this crisis passes, try leaving your cham alone for a few days.. it may need the rest.
cham_man i had two baby veilds before and they died and i couldnt understand why so now i am trying to ask all these questions to know and understand everything that why i post every lil thing to make sure it rite or wrong
Nothing wrong with being too cautious in my book. I am a first time Veiled owner and I worry constantly. I too ask many questions on this board. I have a notebook full of articles and threads from this forum. I ask so many dumb questions because I always seem to get conflicting information from some of my litterature and even those who I purchased my cham from. So I come on here to hear from those that have first hand knowledge. Good Luck....

Thank God for this forum, you guys are Great.
as long as it's not blood....

I lost my first few chams
Yes, I now know what I was doing wrong and I've learned
I've also lost my first few batches of eggs (at least a years worth)
but then again, I thought about the problem, asked questions and researched answers.
Now I've got many adults, subs and young

But I do agree, you NEED TO REALX a bit more,
leave the poor thing alone for a time.

I had one barf once.. you know what I did?
I shrugged my shoulders and tossed in some fresh crickets
and guess what? she's still alive & well years later making babies
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Step back a moment and reread my post. Believe it or not, I am trying to help. I'm not questioning your concern and I'm not suggesting that you stop posting questions, but you are running at a very high anxious level and it may cloud your perception.

Your response suggests that my message was not received, either because you can't understand it or I can't articulate it thoroughly.

What do you think I was trying to say?
Apple , it's good your concerned but, just try the search key before asking
questions and you'll see that almost every question has been asked already
and the answers is there with no wait, which is even better :)
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