Someone please help.

aww I am so glad that he is still hanging in there. You are both doing a great job!! honestly He wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you guys. keep up the great work and my family and I all hae everything crossed for him. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. I will be checkin back often to see how heis doing. I hope he makes it. Best of Luck :)
Come on baby keep fighting!!!

You are doing a great job with him and you love and devotion shows though with all you are doing and have done! We are all pulling for your special guy!
Wow, you have done an amazing job getting that little guy healthy again. He is looking so good now. He is going to have such a strong bond with you after what the two of you have been through together. He is so lucky you found him and took him in.
I'm so glad I found him.
I just wish I could have gotten to him sooner.
Maybe then he'd have a better chance.
I miss him so much today.
But i know he's in good hands with my husband.
I'm so glad I found him.
I just wish I could have gotten to him sooner.
Maybe then he'd have a better chance.
I miss him so much today.
But i know he's in good hands with my husband.

An emotional thread. Great job, love is wonderful medicine. I'm sure your love and defecation is helping him pull through just as much as the medicine, food, warmth and water.
Well done and Good Luck :)
keep us updated everyone on this side of the computer in florida wants to know how it all turns out!!! we've been reading since last night!!! keep fighting bemis!!!
Hoping for even better things to come for you and your rescue.
I know it's tough caring for a sick one, hang in there!
Well I am very glad he made it through the nite and is looking ever better today. You are doing great keep up the awsome job :)
He sure is a trooper
I have been connected to this thread for the last 24 hrs. I couldn't leave it. I realise that this little guy still he's a way to go, but what a turn around in a day. Thank goodness this forum exists. Thank goodness there are people out there to take care of a sick Cham. Please take care of yourself as I know what emotions I have felt all day. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. It takes a special person to have done what you have done.
We really appreciate everyone's support and it goes a long ways. I'll post pics up soon for you guys to see!
I just read through all the posts and will continue to read how things are going. I am so glad that you are spending the time and energy to keep this little guy hydrated and medicated. I'm sure he knows that you are helping him.
Well everyone I have pictures and good news. His eyes continue to look less sunken in and... He's eating! He had a tongue problem where he couldn't shoot very far or with much force but he is able to shoot about 2x as far and with a lot more force :)



Great photos to see, thank you.
He seems to be feeling (and looking) so much better than those first pics that you put up :)
We are rooting for ya both. Amazing little character he is.....and has himself an amazing adoptive mommy :)
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