Something hanging out the butt(pics)


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Ambanja Chameleon, Male, 8 months old. Have had him for 6 months
Handling - Never. He's pretty feisty
Feeding - Cricketts 8-10 a day. Gut-loaded Repashy Bug Burger complete feeder insect diet
Supplements - Repti-calcium without D3 2x a week. Multi Vitamin Powder once every other week.
Watering - Hand mister, also have a mist system. 4-5x a day 45secs - 1 minute. He drinks all the time
Fecal Description -Looks normal, Brown/black with white urate. Never been tested for parasites
History- No history. Haven't seen any falls or anything of the like. Hes always active.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen cage. 38 Gallon, 16.5x16.5x30
Lighting - Repti glo 5.0 uvb, 75 watt heat bulb. 9 am- 9pm
Temperature - Basking Spot 96, top of cage not in basking 90, middle 85 bottom is between 80-85.Over night 75-80. Measured with electric gauge
Humidity -50-80% same eletric gauge
Plants - Live plant. umbrella tree
Placement - Cage is in low traffic area, in a bedroom. Its about 2 feet off the floor. Its not next to or near any fans or window
Location - North East US

Current Problem - Has something hanging out his butt.

Looks like a dried sperm plug maybe?

(adding pictures now for some reason they arnt showing up.
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Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Ambanja Chameleon, Male, 8 months old. Have had him for 6 months
Handling - Never. He's pretty feisty
Feeding - Cricketts 8-10 a day. Gut-loaded Repashy Bug Burger complete feeder insect diet
Supplements - Repti-calcium without D3 2x a week. Multi Vitamin Powder once every other week.
Watering - Hand mister, also have a mist system. 4-5x a day 45secs - 1 minute. He drinks all the time
Fecal Description -Looks normal, Brown/black with white urate. Never been tested for parasites
History- No history. Haven't seen any falls or anything of the like. Hes always active.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen cage. 38 Gallon, 16.5x16.5x30
Lighting - Repti glo 5.0 uvb, 75 watt heat bulb. 9 am- 9pm
Temperature - Basking Spot 96, top of cage not in basking 90, middle 85 bottom is between 80-85.Over night 75-80. Measured with electric gauge
Humidity -50-80% same eletric gauge
Plants - Live plant. umbrella tree
Placement - Cage is in low traffic area, in a bedroom. Its about 2 feet off the floor. Its not next to or near any fans or window
Location - North East US

Current Problem - Has something hanging out his butt.





Sorry...can't see the pictures. :eek:
I'm not entirely sure what that is, it doesn't look quite like a sperm plug, it could be a hemipene. How long has it been out? What sort of behaviour is he exhibiting at the moment? Any dragging his butt or repetitive movements? I'd recommend searching this forum for hemipene pictures, and possibly prolapse pictures, the other alternative is that it's an undigested piece of cricket, but it doesn't look like that either.
Not sure how long its been out. It wasn't there at noon and it was noticed prob an hour ago or so. Hes moving around the cage, looking like he's trying to poop it out.

I was also thinking it might be a piece of the leaf he was eating that just didnt digest.
That doesn't look good, I would guess a prolapse or hemipenese, but I'm not an expert. I would go to the vet asap.
Turned out to be one of the leafs from the plants. Had him hang out in the tub for a while, eventually came out
Turned out to be one of the leafs from the plants. Had him hang out in the tub for a while, eventually came out

I just saw this thread. Now I know what it is it's obvious, lol. Looks very worrying when you don't know though. Panic over :)
Just to check though, are you only giving calcium 2x per week? No d3?
I initially thought that it was a leaf. Is it a fake leaf or real one? It looks kinda plastic/waxy... :confused:
No it's a real plant, he managed to fold it in half I guess before eating it. As far as calcium without d3, I meant to hit 5 instead of 2.
No it's a real plant, he managed to fold it in half I guess before eating it. As far as calcium without d3, I meant to hit 5 instead of 2.
That's better, but you should dust lightly every feeding. Also are you using calcium with D3? If your cham doesm't spend much time outside you should use it every other week. Have you changed the basking bulb? It really it too hot.
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