Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Ambanja Chameleon, Male, 8 months old. Have had him for 6 months
Handling - Never. He's pretty feisty
Feeding - Cricketts 8-10 a day. Gut-loaded Repashy Bug Burger complete feeder insect diet
Supplements - Repti-calcium without D3 2x a week. Multi Vitamin Powder once every other week.
Watering - Hand mister, also have a mist system. 4-5x a day 45secs - 1 minute. He drinks all the time
Fecal Description -Looks normal, Brown/black with white urate. Never been tested for parasites
History- No history. Haven't seen any falls or anything of the like. Hes always active.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage. 38 Gallon, 16.5x16.5x30
Lighting - Repti glo 5.0 uvb, 75 watt heat bulb. 9 am- 9pm
Temperature - Basking Spot 96, top of cage not in basking 90, middle 85 bottom is between 80-85.Over night 75-80. Measured with electric gauge
Humidity -50-80% same eletric gauge
Plants - Live plant. umbrella tree
Placement - Cage is in low traffic area, in a bedroom. Its about 2 feet off the floor. Its not next to or near any fans or window
Location - North East US
Current Problem - Has something hanging out his butt.
Looks like a dried sperm plug maybe?
(adding pictures now for some reason they arnt showing up.
Your Chameleon - Ambanja Chameleon, Male, 8 months old. Have had him for 6 months
Handling - Never. He's pretty feisty
Feeding - Cricketts 8-10 a day. Gut-loaded Repashy Bug Burger complete feeder insect diet
Supplements - Repti-calcium without D3 2x a week. Multi Vitamin Powder once every other week.
Watering - Hand mister, also have a mist system. 4-5x a day 45secs - 1 minute. He drinks all the time
Fecal Description -Looks normal, Brown/black with white urate. Never been tested for parasites
History- No history. Haven't seen any falls or anything of the like. Hes always active.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage. 38 Gallon, 16.5x16.5x30
Lighting - Repti glo 5.0 uvb, 75 watt heat bulb. 9 am- 9pm
Temperature - Basking Spot 96, top of cage not in basking 90, middle 85 bottom is between 80-85.Over night 75-80. Measured with electric gauge
Humidity -50-80% same eletric gauge
Plants - Live plant. umbrella tree
Placement - Cage is in low traffic area, in a bedroom. Its about 2 feet off the floor. Its not next to or near any fans or window
Location - North East US
Current Problem - Has something hanging out his butt.
Looks like a dried sperm plug maybe?
(adding pictures now for some reason they arnt showing up.
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