Something new/ mouth open

lost my mind

New Member
Hi, My Adult M, Nosy Faly has just started standing on his hind legs with his mouth open and makes a hissing noise as he inhales and exhales. He only does it a couple times and i have watched and he only seems to do it when I walk into the room. Crazy because I've owned him for 11 months and he has only started this last week. Come on all you brainiacs, whats the deal with this.?
Could have respiratory infection. I personally have not dealt with it but I'm sure someone more experienced will come along.
Possible RI, mine just got treated for first time yesterday. Wheezing or popping when breathing? Mouth open during the day Usually means one of two things, to hot or RI
83 as in your basking temp? If so, that is not warm enough for a panther. RI has to be treated by a vet with antibiotic.
Mouth Open

If the gaping only occurs when you walk in the room is it possible this is just a display of a happy Chameleon or excited response to you coming in the room? :eek:
What are the exact symptoms? When he does a hiss, can you hear a 'pop' sound like a small bubble bursting?

Sounds like a really mild case or beginnings of a respiratory infection.

Spray his cage only twice a day for the next week or so, but make sure none of the water hits his face directly. Inhaling sprayed water through the nose can affect his condition. Just spray his plants & the mesh so there is plenty of water droplets to drink from.

Increase the wattage of your bulb by one upgrade (if it's 40w, go for a 50w....if it's 60w, go for a 75w.) Don't go over 75w though. If you are using a 75 watt, just move it closer to his basking spot so he can warm up better.

This small increase in temperature will help him expel excess liquid in his lungs fairly quickly.

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