Soon-To-Be Veiled Chameleon Owner - Few Questions!?

Flchams .com has some really nice 3 month old veilds for $80. They have really good bloodlines and are excellent people to deal with. Kammerflage usually has them also. Both of these are top notch breeders. Weather you get one at one month or three, their more than likely going to be agressive, nature of the beast!
Flchams .com has some really nice 3 month old veilds for $80. They have really good bloodlines and are excellent people to deal with. Kammerflage usually has them also. Both of these are top notch breeders. Weather you get one at one month or three, their more than likely going to be agressive, nature of the beast!

I may use since they are based out of cali, and are cheaper. I talked to the guy last week and they had some 7week old chams for $70 shipped.

Flchams is nice, but I am worried since they are based out of flordia, that is much more of a journey than cali, since I live in AZ.

Kammerflage is nice too, but WAY to expensive. ($85+$65 for shipping)
This is a situation where you need to follow some simple rule. "you get what you pay for".

The Kammer's chams cost a lot because they create great animals.

Shop around for the cheapest deals on lights, cages and vines. Don't go super cheap on the animal.

I don't know if it is because of what he has gone through or his bloodline but the cham I saved from petsmart has some serious beef with hands in his cage. My other cham from Blue Beast doesn't seem to freak out as much... I am no expert and every cham is different, but it makes you wonder if it matters where the cham came from.
This is a situation where you need to follow some simple rule. "you get what you pay for".

The Kammer's chams cost a lot because they create great animals.

Shop around for the cheapest deals on lights, cages and vines. Don't go super cheap on the animal.

I don't know if it is because of what he has gone through or his bloodline but the cham I saved from petsmart has some serious beef with hands in his cage. My other cham from Blue Beast doesn't seem to freak out as much... I am no expert and every cham is different, but it makes you wonder if it matters where the cham came from.

Thanks for the advice, I think I may order fro flchams or ther Kammers, I havent really had to spend much on his cage yet, since most of the stuff I got was free or discounted (friends work at petsmart).

I am going to get a paper today and look in the pet classifieds, if I Don't find a local dealer, I will mail order.

I bought another plant last night, it was on clearence at the grocery store couldnt pass it up, its a pothos, I am using it as vines to lead from the bottom up the schefflera.

Anyone order from Chamleons by Design? I see him posting often on here, and I would rather buy from a dealer that is known rather than take a chance.
You can't go wrong with FL Chams. The chams will ship just fine. That is where both of my Veileds came from and they are huge and amazingly healthy! Even though I live about 2.5 hours North of them, the UPS route dictates that they fly through the Louisville, KY hub. My male came In February, and started eating as soon as I put him in his new cage. They arrive before 10 am after leaving FL the previous afternoon. Don't worry about shipping, Mike is an expert.
Thanks for the advice. I repotted the schleffera I bought, and added some biovines so he can crawl up them easier, what do you think? I may put the basking light above this plant. I have a pothos and a small ficus I am going to add to the tank too.

Thanks for the advice. I repotted the schleffera I bought, and added some biovines so he can crawl up them easier, what do you think? I may put the basking light above this plant. I have a pothos and a small ficus I am going to add to the tank too.

needs more foliage to make him feel safe.
needs more foliage to make him feel safe.

What do you suggest? That is the most full schefflera I could find, the other ones were way to tall.

I might add a fake plant or two in there, my humidity is at 50% with no misting, so to keep it at a good rate, I think fake plants should work best.
What do you suggest? That is the most full schefflera I could find, the other ones were way to tall.

I might add a fake plant or two in there, my humidity is at 50% with no misting, so to keep it at a good rate, I think fake plants should work best.

i say live plants are better.
it doesn't hurt to have more humidity.
when it's to much, you can always take out the plants..
it is easier to decrease humidity than to maintain or increase it.
maybe put some small pothos or another schefllera on the other side.

BTW the glass aquarium should only be good for 3 months old veiled (in my opinion)..
after that on to the screen cage. by then, you'll b glad that you have enough live plants.
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Try home depot or lowes. There are several types of plants you can use including corn plants, all kinds of citrus. There's a list on this website under resources I think. Pothos is great, it's a large vine type plant, very common. David
You should look into a screen cage... if you set all this up based on a glass cage, it will be all for nothing. You will then have to figure out the balance of humidity for a screen cage, and have a chameleon inside to deal with. Moving things around while the chameleon is present will stress him out. If you don't have the money for a screen cage right now then maybe try waiting till you are ready.
dont be stupid

no offence m1ndless but after reading this entire 8 page thread it seems to me that no matter how many times people tell u that a Glass tank is meant for fish not chameleons, u still dont care. If ur roommate has had a chameleon in a large glass tank for 3 years doesnt mean that u will be lucky enough to pull something that stupid off..

How about u take a little more time. read all your books and care sheets and save some money. a small screen cage isnt going to cost u an arm and a leg and for the health and lifespand of your chameleon it is nessacery. with the glass bottom on the cage all the water from your dripper will build up over the time of day and bacteria loves still water, expecally if there is chameleon waste sitting in it! u would like to live in your bathroom with poopy water on the floor??

how about you start listing to everyone here and stop trying to pintch ur pennys and go the proper way for setting up a cage. in the long run u and your chameleon will be happier..
Way back in post #15 m1ndless said...."I think I will try to use the 37 gallon for now, and then once they are 5-6 months upgrade to a 65 gallon enclosure (not aquarium)"...I have used glass cages for baby chameleons for about 20 years now....and they do well in them. I use longs rather than talls so that the chameleons can be closer to the UVB or will spend more time being close to the UVB may be a better way to say it.

I start of with several in each tank and as they grow separate them out more and more so that by about 4 months of age they are all separate....but I don't always move them out of the glass tanks at that age.

I have never had one develop a respiratory problem when in a glass tank. I have never had one suffer from seeing its own reflection in the glass.

I have never had a problem with water building up in their cages...our Canadian weather is often dry and it evaporates...and the lights on the cage evaporate it too. It would have to be dealt with if it did build up though.

For those of you who don't agree with GLASS TANKS for adult chameleons....I wish you would tell my chameleons that they should NOT do well in glass cages. My female veileds almost always live to be over 6 years old and often over 7 and my males usually live to be 7 or 8. Many of the other species of chameleon I keep live to a good old age too. The cages I use now have screen fronts and lids (the rest is GLASS)...but when I first started to keep chameleons, back in the dark ages before the wheel (ummm...mesh cage) was invented, they were all housed in GLASS cages with screen lids.

I have never had a chameleon develop a respiratory infection or a fungal infection (except for WC's that came in with problems). I have never had one suffer from seeing its reflection in the glass. (If it bothered them I wouldn't think they would be living such long healthy lives.)

As for air school you should have learned about a convection chamber that demostrates the flow of air.

I'm not saying that keeping them in glass tanks is a good option for depends on where you live for one thing...tanks are definitely no good if you live in a hot area (unless you have airconditioning). It also takes a bit of effort/learning to use glass cages...but it can be done.

Many Europeans keep chameleons in glass cages....they've done it for years.
"There are hobbyist in Europe that have been regularly housing their chameleons in glass aquariums, and there are others who believe that glass aquariums are good for places of colder climate, as it is easier to maintain warm temperature"...

"Babies can be raised in 20 gallon aquariums with a screen top until they are
5"- 6 " long. Adults can be maintained one per 30 gallon aquarium with screen top"...

This being said...use screen/mesh cages if you wish....but there is always more than one way of doing most things. offence intended.
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