Sore butt


New Member
Cage Info:
• Cage Type – Wood/Screen construction. Zoo Med Repti-Cage carpet,
• Lighting – Reptisun 5.0 Zoo Med 18” & 60w incandescent flood
• Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? 85F basking, 77F most common, 68F coolest. Lowest overnight temp? 62F How do you measure these temps? Digital thermometer.
• Humidity - What are your humidity levels? Not sure now, gauge died. Added a humidifier to the room recently to increase. Do mist at least 1 to 2 x day. What do you use to measure humidity? Need a new gauge.
• Plants - Are you using live plants? No
• Placement - Where is your cage located? In an alcove. Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? No. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 52”.
• Location – Chicago IL

Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon – Male, Veiled about 9 months old. How long has it been in your care? Four months.
• Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? A few times/wk
• Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? Crickets What amount? 3-4 / day, he doesn’t eat more. What is the schedule? Once/day in the am. How are you gut-loading your feeders? Feeding them Flukers high calcium diet, apple. He is eating regularly.
• Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Not using anything else.
• Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Drip down artificial leaves into a small catch pan. How often and how long to you mist? Misted 2-3x/day. Do you see your chameleon drinking? I have seen him drinking from the pan and leaves.
• Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Small brown ovals, some white and yellow at tips. No change.Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No.
• History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. Got him from a pet store. At first he was in a glass terrarium with a screen top, UVB and Incandescent bulbs. Built him better digs 2 months ago.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about. He looks to have an infected vent. Cham Roids if you will. I’ve recently increased the cage humidity, I think it was on the dry side. I need to replace my gauge to be sure. He is active and is eating as he did before. It looks pretty knarly but he does not act like it is painful. Is Neosporin out of the question?? :eek:


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I wouldn't play around with this, I'd get him to a vet asap. I would not put anything on it as it could make it worse. I would bet he "is" in pain.
Oh nastiness! He really needs to get to a Vet pronto-that looks like some cleaning beyond what you are going to be able to do.
I agree - this requires a vet....and like now.

I would recommend you take him to Dr. Todd Gray at Arboretum View Animal Hospital at 2551 Warrenville Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630-963-0424 - phone). Dr. Gray sees all of my chams and is one of 2 vets in all of Chicago that I would consider qualified to deal with chams. He should be in this week so give him a call and ask to get him in on an emergency basis. They should be able to fit you in within a day. You can call any time of the day or night to make an appointment (they are open 24 hours).
:eek: he needs a vet visit! there is probably an infection that needs antibiotics. i wouldnt waste time trying to fix this at home.
Thanks all!

I took him to the vet as suggested along with a stool sample. Got creme for his butt and the lab test indicated he has pinworms. So now you know what it can look like. I'm feeding him some medicine and he seems to be acting normal. I'll have to retest in a few weeks to verify the worms are gone.

Not so easy to get him to eat the medicine though (powder). Overall he's been a pretty good sport about it, but I don't think he's liking me much right now.

Thanks again for the assistance, you were right.
my cham just recently had pinworms he was givin Panacure suspension via saringe...make sure you totaly clean everything in his cage that has ever been touched by to just clean everything... you can bake your vines (or bleach them)and bleach your fake plants ( best to use a 1:10 ratio of bleach and water soak for a half hour then rinse 2 times) remove any live plant leaf that has ever had feces on it...and clean the cage walls with the same ratio of bleach and water...rinse multiple times... let it dry and air out( so theres no fumes) and put your cham back in...this will prevent a reinfection of the pinnworms
I found out vinager and hydron peroxcide "in diffrent bottles" is the best cleaner there is for a cage fumes from bleach are very bad i posted a whole write up of it like an hr ago
Norman said..."I took him to the vet as suggested along with a stool sample. Got creme for his butt and the lab test indicated he has pinworms. So now you know what it can look like"...this is the first time I've seen something like this as the result of pinworms.

You said..."Not so easy to get him to eat the medicine though (powder)"...did the vet not give you instructions to mix a liquid with it?? I have never heard of a vet giving it in powder form...the medication has always been a liquid in every case I've heard of.
Olawd. I look like a fool for not reading that fully, I thought since the thread was still open from a month ago and people were still saying 'go 2 vet lol', I assumed he never went, whoops! Sowwyy.
Any updated pictures then?
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