Sorry, but...


Established Member
Alot of times the best advice I can give is...... LET THEM BE!!! Chams are like aquarium fish! Look but dont touch! You wouldn't to pet yer guppies would you!
Well my boy cham LOVES to come out! He headbutts his door when he wants to come out. He doesn't want to be out every day, but he's out most days. He happily climbs on my hand, and sometimes it's more of a pain getting him to go back in his cage, lol! I love him to bits!:D
I thought they were chameleons, but I have guppies, most will tell me to go away! I really want Tiff's kids but she won't share.:(
I don't completely agree, but that's just me. I have two that hate handling and I respect their need for privacy and solitude. I have another that tolerates handling and knows that I only take him out to put him in a nice outdoor perch. But my last baby, my new little girl, will run down, out of the cage, and onto my hand if I'm resting my hand on the table where her cage is. That is a chameleon that seeks out and enjoys human interaction!

So I think as a general rule "look but don't touch" is a valid one, but there are exceptions to every rule. You just have to know the limits of your chams's tolerance.
I'm with tiff on this one, my mia also head butts the door to be out. :D And she can be a pain to put back in her viv, when i go to put her in her viv she takes one look at her home and then looks at me and walks back up my arm. Once took me 11 attempts to get her back in her viv (yip i counted) :p because she just refused to go in. I've also missed buses and twice been late for work through her. LOL All chams are different just like people.
It takes me 11 attempts to get Marley OUT!
He is a lovely natured cham but if I need to clean his cage, he pretty much refuses to come out lol.

He is definately a 'prefers his privacy' cham :)
Well my boy cham LOVES to come out! He headbutts his door when he wants to come out. He doesn't want to be out every day, but he's out most days. He happily climbs on my hand, and sometimes it's more of a pain getting him to go back in his cage, lol! I love him to bits!:D

HAHAHA i know the feeling kinda feel bad afterwards. I put her back when its bedtime anyways.:D
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