South African dwarf chameleon

Yes, and there are also some more species available, thamnobates are at the moment very easy to get

:Dfor you but :( for me;) Since I started keeping chams I have always been fascinated with the appearance of the thamnobates. Quite the cool looking creatures!!!!!
That list of 14 species found in South Africa is actually not correct. There are more species then that in South Africa. Here is the current list:

Bradypodion atromontanum
Bradypodion caeruleogula
Bradypodion caffer
Bradypodion damaranum
Bradypodion dracomontanum
Bradypodion gutturale
Bradypodion kentanicum
Bradypodion melanocephalum
Bradypodion nemorale
Bradypodion nkandlae
Bradypodion occidentale
Bradypodion pumilum
Bradypodion setaroi
Bradypodion taeniabronchum
Bradypodion thamnobates
Bradypodion transvaalense
Bradypodion ventrale
Chamaeleo dilepis/quilensis
Chamaeleo namaquensis

There are also a number of as yet undescribed species that can be found as well. You should note that B. karrooicum is an invalid species now. It was found to be indestinguishable from B. ventrale.


I cought a couple of undescribed species near Cape Town a few years ago (I also live in South Africa), and the thing is there is alot of variation in dwarf chameleons, researchers here still classify some dwarf as being subspecies when they are their own specie - its all a question of what you think is the apparent specie:confused:

The chams i cought did not at all represent any species that are already registered and described.

Should maybe give the coordinates to fauna and flora (S.A. NATURE CONSERVATION BOARD)
Does sb know the species ?
@ Paul: Could you send more pics of Bradypodion species ?

Ill send what pics i can get, Where i live there are no Bradypodion sp. they prefer the humid Southern and Eastern coasts of South Africa, but i always catch them on holiday:D
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